Today's Foreign Fruit excursion is brought to you from:
It is pretty cool living in Hong Kong, as it is an international country.
Almost everything is imported, including fruit!
I still think it is so funny to see grapes, oranges, and apples from California!
I swear when we lived there, most of the fruit was from Guatemala or somewhere else 'South' of the border. Out here, we might just eat more fruit grown in the U.S., than we did living in the U.S...
Hmn, would that make U.S. fruit a foreign fruit excursion too then?
No. no. It doesn't.
Ok, I am very tired and spacey as I type this, sorry.
Back to today's fruit.
We were at the grocery store, and I looked over and thought, "Wow, cute cherries!". Only, upon closer examination they were not cherries, but Japanese cherry sized apples!
They were very cute!
It is hard to tell how small they are from this picture, but wait for it!
Bite sized apples, but not really unless you like eating the core.
We had an extra Volunteer for fruit testing today.
So how was it? Xia?
They weren't the best apples they have ever had, but they were good!
Edible and sweet, appetizing!
Unlike, this picture!
They changed the menu at one of our favorite local restaurants.
Oh... And this is supposed to be an appetizer, FAIL!
STOP Looking at me!
Although, when I was talking to Kayla the other day, as we were getting fresh squeezed juice with Todd my perspective changed a little. JUST A LITTLE. Well, Kay said to me, "Mom, I really like seeing the fruit that they are juicing. It makes me feel happy to know how fresh it is." (sorry Kay best paraphrase I could do.) I thought about it. It is true. There is something that makes me happy when I see them cut those oranges in half and juice them right in front of my eyes. I KNOW what is in my juice. I know the quality. I know in fact what I ordered is what I am getting. In that realization of my reassurance, I was able to for a moment understand why all the animal heads, legs and bodies that line the restaurants. While it makes me renew my vegetarian tendencies, I have a greater understanding for why it is socially acceptable here and even encouraged....
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