Friday, January 27, 2012

Room 516

There is Seriously nothing worse than watching your kid suffer....

We all know the flu is BAD!
When you get it, if you are unlucky enough to get it, you feel like DEATH...

A couple weeks ago, Krystin was the unlucky winner of the flu.
We have NO CLUE where she got it.
No one we know is/was sick...

Thursday afternoon she had a time trial with Track
more for fun than anything, but she has a rep to uphold.
She ran hard and fast and came in second overall by less than milisecond.

But, she was starting to not feel well.
By Thursday evening she was BURNING up with a fever.

She was Very sick.
However, my SUPER driven child knew she had a big Chem test in the morning
EARLY in the Morning - 6:40am, early, 
and refused to miss it.
Dedication, I tell ya.

I know.  She should not have been there.  I know.
But, I could not convince her otherwise, so I waited at school for her to finish and took her home.

All weekend we battled that horrible flu.
With meds she could rest comfortably, but no energy at all.

Monday, she was feeling better, but super week.
I kept her home.
Tuesday afternoon she started to cough.
At this point she was having anxiety about missing school,
and insisted on trying to go on Weds.
She coughed so badly all night Tuesday night, it was horrific.
Weds she lasted almost the entire day and ACED two tests...

When I picked her up from the health office, I knew she looked much worse.
I was able to get an appt with her doctor immediately....

At the doctor's office she was barely holding on,
was shaking and couldn't stop coughing.
To make matters worse they make you wear a mask.
Which, IS understandable, but when you can't breathe it is torture...

Krystin had 104 fever at the office.
The doc listened to her lungs
and sent her for an X-Ray (luckily in house)
 She was shivering so badly I am surprised they got a clear image.

Ultimately, the X-Rays showed Pneumonia RLL and starting in LLL...
They gave her a breathing treatment, actually 2, and sent her to the hospital.

Now, when I left to get Krystin from school. 
I didn't grab anything to take with me.
I was planning on grabbing her and going home.
I didn't have a jacket.  Phone charger. Clothes. Water. NOTHING.

Didn't really matter. 
Just needed to get Krystin some help.

Her room, the view from the inside
Upon arrival to the hospital, they were pretty nice...
Krystin had a cute little build-a-bear baby and a homemade blanket waiting for her.
It is amazing the amount of comfort the little thoughtful things can give.

However, Krystin was on ISOLATION, 
So everyone (aside from family) had to wear a gown, gloves and mask to come in.

They needed to start an IV on her (her first), draw blood and do a flu nasal aspiration test.

Before they could even finish the admit paper she was coughing so hard, t
hey called Respiratory to give her another treatment...

By the time they came to get everything done, 
Todd and Kayla had arrived (you have to be over 18 to enter an isolation room, sorry Logan). :(

Keep in mind.  Kay has serious anxiety over doctor stuff.
I am SURE this did NOT help.

There were two nurses attempting to start the IV.
While the one was very, seriously failing to in the first location,
The other nurse (krystin's night nurse) passed OUT! CURR PLUNK!
Not joking.  She was pregnant and wearing all that gear probably didn't help.
Fortunately, she went down very slowly and gradually and was ok.
Even if she insisted the syringe that she was 'still' holding was clean and hadn't touched the floor, grr.
Really?  You going to chance it?  With my kid.  I think not. Throw it...  Flibbidity gibbits.

Well, long and short of it. 
3 total attempts and a third nurse and the IV was in.
And they took blood, even if they had to do it twice.
Then the Nasal aspiration. 
 Oh nothing like being deathly ill and tortured.

Yes, I am pretty sure Kayla will never go to the hospital after that!

Anyhow, the first night was really rough.
Her fever was very high.
She needed regular breathing treatments,
but she remained in good spirits. 

Well, that was til the nurse gave her Codeine...
Apparently, she inhereted my lovely reaction to meds.
She was super excited about her breakfast tray.
She had taken the medicine maybe 45 mins before.
Took 3 bites and with in minutes was SCREAMING in pain and puking...
 Sooo much though that they had to get her a STAT IV Med of Tordol,
and something for her tummy.  
She was crying in severe pain, worse than i have seen her.
Til she finally passed out.

Poor babe.  
Sorry, no codeine for you.

She was brave.
Hung tough.
I promised her that I would not leave her alone in the hospital,
so I stayed with her and slept there right by her.
I did ask Todd to please come stay with her so I could shower, and he gladly agreed.

The upside to isolation?
You get your own room.

and a Mommy to play games and watch movies with you.

Krystin is a SUPER-Over achiever.
Being down was not something that she was OK with,
and missing an entire week of school was causing her to panic.
Especially, right before finals.  :(

I emailed all of her teachers to let them know what was going on and make arrangements for her assignments.
Apparently, Krystin's diligence must be apparent and known,
Her French teacher actually came and visited her in the hospital.
She came to reassure her that all of her teachers understand and KNOW she is a good student, and to rest.
She also brought her that super cute pink frog she is holding.
Really made Krystin feel better, very sweet.
I had to fight back the tears.

My view early in the morning...

Finally, after 2.5 long days she was able to shower,
 even if she couldn't stand and shower...

and finally she was able to go home...

I am so thankful she recovered so well!
We love you Krystin! (:

Monday, January 9, 2012

T-N-T Boating

For Christmas,
Todd bought me a Whale Watching trip in San Diego
It was a day at Sea (8 hours)

Super fun.
Super beautiful
Flibbiditygibbits COLD

We each wore 2 Jackets and a big thick blanket to stay warm.

It was worth it though.

The Gray whales are currently migrating.

We saw 24!
They were playing,
and even a couple COURTING!
Super amazing!

We arrived in SD a little after 7am, 
just as the sun was beginning to crescent the Earth...

Just a few pics.
Todd has some cool ones, maybe he will add them later.

 Our first Ocean Greeters.
I am in LOVE with these common dolphins!
(Common my BUTT!)

We started spotting whales right away!
Woo hoo!

Whale foot print.
the dark glassy impression that is left behind after a whale breaches the surface, then submerges, 
you click your camera - and yah this is what you get...

our boat ride took us down south to Mexican waters.
over to the shores of the uninhabited
Coronado Islands.
Well, they are uninhabited by people,
but there are lots of other creatures living there.
Namely birds and seals.

These are out of order,
just know that...


Gray Whales, kind of look like decaying rocks peaking up from the Sea.
Or maybe rock monsters.

 Brown footed Boobie bird, flying to the rocks.
They are only found on these small islands.

Elephant seals use the dreamy enclave for breeding.
Tucked away from the world

The elusive whale tale pic.

As we headed back, the sun said Adieu..

Ok.  If you didn't get photo overloaded here is a poor quality video.

ok one more

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Eve!

We threw the kids in the car!
Drove them to Thousand Oaks

 Quick stop for lunch
 at one of the ONLY places in the world Kayla will eat a chicken sandwich.
Yes, it is that good!

Then drove them to Valencia
To go to Sixs Flags Magic Mountain.
Only for a couple of hours, as it closed early.

We headed home, checked on the creatures,
and then went to the movies.
Oh, and we grabbed a lonely Krystin friend to join us for the movie and to bring in the New Year.
By midnight we were sooo tired, but we made it!
Hello, 2012
