Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving ...

Happy Thanksgiving - From The Hasers!

This time of year is truly wonderful.

It is such an opportunity to get together with friends and family and reflect on the many blessings that we each have in our lives. Sometimes life can seem a bit daunting and the silver lining hard to see, but we have SOOO much to be thankful for! Many times our blessings are things we take for granted - roof over our heads, clean water to drink, food in our bellies... It is so easy to forget how privileged we are to live where and when we do. I am so grateful for all of my many blessings, and the blessing it is to have such wonderful friends and family to share them with. (o;

We had the opportunity to have Thanksgiving at my Mom's house this year, which we haven't been able to do for YEARS! It was great to see relatives that we haven't seen in so many years.

Todd, Tam and kids (yes, Honey is a kid)

The gracious hosts (My Mom and Jai)

My Dad and Logan (it was great that my Dad was able to make it, and I guess that my parents are still good friends).

Auntie Betty with Mom and Sasha (the doggy)

Mom with cousin Howard and Uncle Henry

Dad with Logan, Krystin and Todd's sister Ali
mmmm, mmmm Turkey dinner

My cousin Karen and her son Gary
(I hadn't seen her in about 20 years or something crazy)

Cousin Nikki with her guy (and her cute prego tummy)

Kayla-Love and Mommy

Krysto-buggy and Honey

Todd ... Working (o; He is so diligent
Doesn't my Mom look so cute in her green chair?!

No trip to Mom's house would be complete with out a pic of the goats. This was Todd's first time meeting the goats.

We weren't able to see Todd's Dad during the day, but we did have the opportunity to see him for a minute on the way home.
Isabella (Todd's Dad's wife), Dave - Todd's dad, and the kiddos

And we would like to introduce.... Drum roll please....
our newest member to our family...
We weren't looking for a new addition, but this little one came to us through divine intervention. Ok, is that a bit much? Well, we were just at the pet store buying some food for our other birds. A lady was behind us, noticed the type of food, and mentioned she had the same type of bird. They are rare, so it is unusual. She said she was looking for a good home for hers, as she was not going to be able to continue caring for her. Next thing I knew, we had this precious little bird as a part of our family. Baby isn't really a baby, she is 5 years old, but shhhh we won't tell her that. She seems to be adjusting very well. Although, I do believe we have already gotten her spoiled. She loves to be on my shoulder and throws a fit when she isn't! LOL! She is pretty cute. We will be introducing her to the other birds slowly over the next month, pictures to come.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Krystin BABY is 12!

Krystin Cassidy Haser

From the first moment I saw you - you made my heart fill with joy!

Krystin I LOVE YOU!

Happy 12th Birthday My sweet, little one...

My 12 favorite things about you:

1st: Your loving soul. You have so much love in you it is sometimes hard to contain, which is a good thing.

2nd: Your hugs! Ok, this goes without saying! You know I can't go a day without a Krystin hug!

3rd: Your talent... You have a constant desire to plan and accomplish amazing things! Dream big my baby, the world will be blessed because of you!

4th: Your natural ability with animals. This is a gift, and a true showing of who you are inately... Patient, kind, intelligent and determined. All characteristics that will carry you throughout life.

5th: Your ability to make and keep friends. It takes a special person to be able to make friends as easily you do, but an even greater person to be able to keep them.

6th: Your love for veggies and healthy food! Since you were a baby you have always amazed me with your incredible rabbit like tendencies! May you always keep them and be healthy.

7th: You are the best companion! You are so much fun to take places. I always enjoy the time I have with you.

8th: Your love of the gospel. I am always amazed with your understanding and desire to learn more.

9th: Your devotion to your family. Even when we can be annoying.

10: Your sweet smile... Just seeing your smile in the morning makes me feel happy!

11: Your little raspy voice. So cute, especially when you are sleepy.

12: My favorite thing about you, my youngest baby, is who you are every day. You are so selfless and would be willing to sacrifice without even a blink for others. What a treasure you are to us and the world!

Krystin, on your 12th birthday - please know how much you mean to me and your family! Our home wouldn't be complete without you. Thank you for being a part of our family.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Krystin's Birthday Party

Krystin had a "Movie Night"/ Sleep Over birthday party Friday evening. The evening began with Pizza and Purses... Krystin picked out matching purses (same pattern different colors), so the girls could coordinate for their evening out. After the last girl arrived, we were off to see "Madagascar 2"! It was a perfect night for the movies! Following the movie, we came home to enjoy cake, ice cream and gifts - then games 'til the wee hours in the morning! It really amazes me the amount of energy 12 year old girls have! Poor Logan was trapped in a house full of girls. I talked to him about it, and he reassured me that he DID NOT mind a house full of cute girls... hmn.... ??? Anyhow, the girls were all EXCELLENT and we didn't even have ONE drama attack! WOOO HOOO!
Happy Birthday Krystin!

Ok, Having a 'holiday' birthday can be a bummer sometimes. Trust me, I know, my birthday is in December. You just have to love a child that embraces their holiday birthday and goes with it. Yes, Krystin has always tried to embrace having a birthday near thanksgiving, but this year her embrace really took the cake - literally!

Dear Goodness! What is in that box?? Can it be??

Yes, Krystin had a Turkey Birthday cake. It was actually quite delicious!

Strike a Pose!

The Girls at the movies!

Back at home... Ok, who farted? Just kidding. Time for games!

Is it time to sleep???! Please say YES! Ok, well then just stay up all night in Krystin's room watching movies! (o;

Sleepy little girlies in the morning, with a VERY spoiled little Honey-dog.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Ok! I have to take a video of what sleeping in my room is like sometimes! LOL!

I usually can sleep through anything, so if Todd snores - I would never even notice. He doesn't usually snore ALL the time either, but lately.... Apparently, his allergies are bothering him or maybe perhaps we lost a muffler in his nose??? Not quite sure which. Ok, so this morning I wake up, at some hour too early to be considered morning yet, to the sound of very loud snoring. In fact, I think that it may very well have been the shaking of the bed not just the sound that awoke me... Well, I turn over and gently nudge my sleeping husband, to no avail. So, I try pinching his nose (ever so lightly), just enough to brake up the breathing pattern. A little snort a grunt, but nope it continues. Finally, one more nudge and he rolls over! YAY! Quiet, ok not quite quiet, but at least the snoring is NOT in my direction. I am feeling much happier and ready to fall back in to my peaceful sleepy state, so I roll over - facing away from him and... then my little HONEY dog starts SNORING loudly! She sleeps on the floor next to my side of the bed. What the heck?! What kind of dog snores? Seriously, she is only 5 pounds how could those HUGE sounds come out of her. I just started laughing. If only I had a video camera. It was too funny!

Just had to share in case there was anyone that was wondering what it was like to sleep at the Haser house... Remember if you are sleeping over bring your ear plugs or snore louder than the rest! LOL!

Posted with permission of Todd... :p

Monday, November 10, 2008

First part of November...

Ok, first my CAMERA IS DYING!!! It is rather tragic really... Was it that time or two that it was mistaken for a bouncy ball? or that time when it was raining... hhmnnn? Alas, it is a sad day. Although, I think it could be used for abstract art - everything looks like it is melting in the pics (a little Salvador Dali, should just through a clock in the background and we could make big bucks)... LOL! Example of a melting Pumpkin patch... ):
It started doing this once in a blue moon last month and now it is the camera's favorite technique.

We had a great time with our Halloween party. The kids had friends over. It is amazing the amount of sugar that can be consumed in a four hour period by teens!

Krystin and friendsAlign Center (this was the last normal picture my camera took)

Todd and Tammy (phone pic)

For Kayla's 15th birthday she wanted to see the Foo Fighter's in concert. They aren't really on tour right now, but they had a special engagement at 'bike week', so we went. I have NEVER seen so many Harley's in my LIFE!

The kids have transitioned well into their 'virtual' learning program. They seem to really enjoy it, so far. They truly are amazing kids. It is fun to be able to work with them.

At lunch time we go for a walk to a local park, enjoy the fresh air and read scriptures. It is fun. While we miss Arizona, California is sure beautiful...

The kids really enjoyed being a part of the political process with the recent elections. We had the children watch as the votes were tallied across the country.... and as the results came in we had a chance to discuss how the electoral college works, etc... They were enthralled by the process. They even stayed up and watched as McCain gave a very generous Concession speech, and for Obama's very inspiring acceptance speech. After Obama spoke, Kayla told us that hearing his speech made her proud to be an American. What a wonderful impression for a teenager to have from her new President to be. I am hopeful that Obama will continue to capture the youth our nation's attention and inspire them to be aware of politics and actively involved. There is MUCH work to be done in our country, may we all work together to bring our country out of the storms of darkness and into the light.

Last weekend, we took a short trip to AZ for Easter Pageant auditions. Mind you we had three teen size kids, a pint sized Honey and two birds in separate travel cages (along with all of our luggage) in my Jeep. I couldn't leave my bird babies! Everyone was excellent in the car ride. I was very impressed. It was sooo much fun! We stayed at my Dad's house (thanks Dad). The fam auditioned on Friday evening, and then the kids were free to go and spend time with Grandpa and socialize with very missed friends. Todd and I stayed and helped with auditions Friday night and Sat morning, while my Dad so generously drove the kids all around picking up friends and having fun. There is never enough time to see everyone and do everything that you want to when you visit out of state, so we are going to have to come back soon..... :( We had to leave early on Sunday Morning, because we couldn't fit Angel (our 95lb malamute or our green cheeks in the car). We were very fortunate to have Matt (a teen from church) and his sister darling sister Lauren take excellent care of them Friday and Saturday. Aunt Jamie spent the night Saturday and stayed with Angel until we arrived home on Sunday! Thank you guys! Angel was in 7th heaven... (o:

Ok, now back to reality... Love to everyone.
