Monday, December 29, 2008

MY Kids are in AZ!!! ):

Yes, I have succumb to the pressure... I let my precious, little people, whom I adore to no end leave me and go to Arizona for a couple of days. I am sure they will have a fabulous time with my Dad as the gallivant from friend to friend's house, go shopping, and eat delicious food, all the while I sit here heart broken that my babies are not by my side... Ok, is that too much??? Well, I do miss them, and hate it when they leave! Hopefully, Todd and I will be able to head out there later this week to get them back!!!
Logan with my Dad (doesn't my Dad just look smug?)

Kayla and Krystin getting ready for the long hall.


We did have some fun this weekend too. We were able to see a bunch of old friends from high school that we haven't seen forever!!! It was really neat to be able to see all of their adorable children too.

Jason and Todd
... and we were able to Stop by my Mom's house and have a mini Christmas with her too! Thank you Mom for the T.O. Meat Locker - soooo YUMMY!

Talk about genetics - on the Left we have my Mom's foot, on the right my Krystins
Almost a perfect match?!
... and we even had the opportunity (we being Kayla and me) to work on Chemistry! YAY

Who knew science could be so sweet.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Break Fun

Well, the December break is officially here! For our children, that means even more time to see friends and have fun. We LOVE having our children's friends over!!! They are always great! Krystin had three friends over Tuesday-night, and Logan was overjoyed to be able to leave and go to his good friend Alex's house for the day!

They Look Sweet and innocent, don't they?? (Krystin with two or her friends)...


I caught them in action!!


I just followed the sounds of giggles and found them having too much fun in Krystin's room. LOL!!!


Christmas Eve every year we let the kids open ONE present, and it is ... usually jammies! Ok, it is really for me. I think there is nothing cuter than kids in new jammies on Christmas morning. They humor me and act excited and of course rush and put them on! Such wonderful children!


Kids in their new jams. Aaawww, how cute!


My Dad was able to make the journey from Arizona to be with us for Christmas. He arrived on Christmas Eve, and I believe the children have mistaken him for Santa (for good reason!). :p

My Dad is so sweet. Eventhough, he was going to actually come to my house on Christmas Eve he had Not ONE, but TWO Candy cane Rose plants sent to our house, along with a box of fun and yummy treats (on Monday and Tuesday before he arrived). Thank you Dad!


Our Children have NEVER really been morning people. Actually, no one in the house really is. Ok, with the exception of Logan. He for some reason has always been the one to get up bright and early and showered before everyone, but lately even HE has been sleeping in... However, on Christmas, usually the children find the energy to wake up extra early and make sure we know how eager they are for us to join them. Of course, this is usually following an evening where Todd and I are up extra late you know feeding the reindeer and making sure Santa's cookies and milk are fresh... However, this year I got up and was showered and looked at the clock it was 8:30am and no sign of children... It was actually kinda fun to go and WAKE them up on Christmas morning. HEE HEE HEE...

Sleepy-heads opening stockings with The Bub

Smiley sleepy teen (always a nice sight early in the morning)

Present time... Bub, Logan and Krystin

Honey, enjoying one of the many new outfits Bubby bought her.

Daddy and Kay looking cute

Mommy and Indy opening presents. "Indy what did Santa bring you? Is that a rooster?"
After we opened presents, played a many games, relaxed, made messes, cleaned messes, ate yummy food, and far too many sweets - we went and saw The Curious case of Benjamin Button. We really enjoyed the movie. I recommend it, and not JUST because Brad Pitt looks extra fine in it either, really!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you from Me- and the rest of the gang!

Elves Gone WILD

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

My Crazy Elves

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Tree and treats

Tis the Season!!! Honestly, after moving, I had NOOOO motivation to go through boxes in the garage and gather the Christmas stuff. Really. The last thing I wanted to see is another box. Besides the fact, in the last 6 months our boxes have become the foundation for various spider communities... At least that is what I am sure is the case, with the webs that I have witnessed... Yikes. Why would I want to deal with that???
However, realizing that I might permanently damage my children's psyche by not properly preparing the house with the Christmas 'feel' - I decided to brave the garage, with some help from Logan! We found a few of the Christmas boxes, not all, but I a few is sooo much more than none! I don't think Logan will volunteer to help me again though, as I couldn't seem to help yelling every few seconds about the spider I was sure was crawling on him or me... oooppsss... Didn't actually see a spider btw.... Ultimately though, we had some Christmas decorations - YAY!!!
Next Dilemma, well we needed a tree....
I have this, ever so slight allergy to pine trees. Didn't realize until a few years ago, Todd pointed out that I was always extremely ill around Christmas, well and there is the fact that if I touch pine I get hives... hmn... Todd, being the brilliant man that he is, put two and two together and said no more real trees for me... Problem is I LOVE REAL CHRISTMAS TREES!!! He is right though, since we have had our 'really not a real tree' I haven't been sick...
This year, I thought I had him convinced to let me get a real tree. I tried to convince him that I had 'outgrown' that silly pine allergy... I almost had him. He was ready to consider getting me a real tree! The only catch - he said I had to wait to get the tree until the 15th (limit the exposure maybe)... I graciously agreed. By the 15th I was a bit tree hungry. I really wanted my tree, the excitement was killing me!!!
Well, Monday the 15th rolls around and guess what???? IT is POURING rain. I am not talking about just some rain but POURING sheets of water (well it seemed like that really)!!! I conceded to wait 'til Tuesday for the tree. I was sure the rain would let up... MORE RAIN. By now, our clearly fragile children's psyche's were riding in the balance of not having a tree, so I agree to get a cheapy fake one. Why make an investment on a 'decent' one if I clearly have gotten past my allergy and will surely get a real tree next year.
I had the opportunity to learn another life lesson...

The Christmas Tree... Yes, it is standing horizontally. You Get what you pay for! It was late at night when we finally brought it home, so we just through some lights on it and were going to let the kids decorate in the morning. It didn't make it 'til morning. It was a dead tree laying on the floor... Well, as dead as a not-really-real tree can be... Two of the four feet magically broke off during the night... Tragic really.

Angel was shocked and horrified to see such a travesty!

Needless to say, we had to return our little cheapy tree, and since it was still pouring rain on Weds, bought another 'nicer' wanna-be-tree... She is a cute tree, but I have to get some pine candles or something to really set the stage for her.

Tonight the children decorated the tree... See those smiling faces (clearly preserved psyches, a worthy investment).

Exhausted from all that reaching and the ample amount of creative energy expended.
So, what were Mommy and Daddy doing while kids were cooperatively placing the ornaments ever so carefully????

Mommy was making treats - OF COURSE...

and Daddy was taking a break from his computer to play some Ravid Rabbit game or something. FUNNY!!!

Can you believe it? A week later and my flowers look even Better!!! I LOVE Flowers!!!

Thanks again Dad!
Merry Christmas, and may your trees remain standing upright!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Previously, I had mentioned Santa made a visit at our Church Christmas party. Well, I was busy socializing or something, and I missed my two older kiddos on Santa's knee! How could I miss that?! Fortunately, Santa's own personal photog has my email address and forwarded me a couple pics - Thank you Eric!

Logan - Have you been Naughty or Nice???
I think we all know the answer to that. Heee, hee hee... (photo by Eric Peel)

Kayla - No, you can't ask Santa for concert tickets! (photo by Eric Peel)

... and for good measure, so Santa's little helper doesn't feel left out. Krystin makes an encore! and the crowd goes wild! ....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Birthday!

Birthday Flowers - Thank you DAD!

Ok... So, I am now 35 years old. What exactly does that mean to me? I have been thinking about this a bit. With age, comes wisdom, right? Well, I am not sure about that, but here is what I have learned in my mere three and a half decades on this planet...
First and foremost - Anything that is meaningful takes effort. Seriously, complacency has no place in accomplishments in life. This covers every area, work, school, church, children and marriage. To be truly successful and happy you must constantly be seeking to grow and learn and actively be proactive in your choices...
I have learned that there is GREAT joy to be found in being a parent, as well as challenges.
I have learned that life is much better when you share it with a partner you love and enjoy being around.
I have learned to try and not take life so seriously.
I have learned that each day brings new opportunities...
I have learned there is much more to learn and to do, and I look forward to most of it!
Ok, here's a brief summary of my bday weekend in pics. I wasn't feeling super great, some sort of sinus thing-a-majiggy, but still had a lot of fun!
Kayla had a friend sleep-over Friday night (why do they call it a sleep-over always perplexes me), and all three of my kids had fun hanging with Kayla's friend and playing games... Who knows when they went to sleep. So, Saturday morning, since all the kids were still out to the world - Todd and I went out and enjoyed a rather romantic Birthday Breakfast. We were nice and brought the kids home McDonald's (although at 10am they still didn't want to get up)... Teens...
We opened presents after breakfast.

Indy was very excited about my birthday too and decided to help me unwrap!

Look at Indy Go!!! She was so excited!

"Sorry Ind, Logan gave the itune gift card to Mommy. Well, I guess you can have it back after Mommy gets the magic numbers off the back. " (o;

For part of my birthday present from Todd, he took me shopping at the mall. Todd HATES shopping and really hates shopping at the mall, so it was rather generous of him! Thanks Babe, I had fun!

Krystin had a performance that night Sing Noel, it was wonderful.

Then at 8:30pm, we went to the Claim Jumper for dinner. YUMMY!!!

Mommy and Kayla-love

Ok, close-up on the treat. It was a rather delightful blend of smooth vanilla ice cream, mixed with buttery bits of Oreo crust, chunks of Oreo and rather delicious whipped cream covered with shaved almonds... mmmm

Logan, Krystin and Dadddiooo at dinner
After dinner, because who NEEDS sleep anyway, we caught a 10:30pm showing of Four Christmases... The joys of having teens and knowing they won't get whiny if we keep them up late! HEE HEE HEE...
It was a great day!
Because you know I can't really resist: Bonus Pic....
Remember, Honey claiming all the beds? Well, apparently, Christmas decorations look like beds too!

Honey! Get off of the end table! :p

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Party


Tonight was our Christmas Party at Church. The focus was on service and everyone brought unwrapped toys to be donated as a part of the festivities. What a wonderful way to keep the 'reason for the season' on our minds! We had a wonderful time, and yummy food too!

Krystin volunteered to be an Elf (one of Santa's helpers). She dressed Honey up as a reindeer in hopes that Honey could attend as well. I thought it was a good idea too, but no dogs were allowed.

When we arrived, apparently Logan was concerned about being bored and brought one of his game systems. He was strangely like a magnet to the other 13 year old boys...

Todd's always willing to pose for me! How cute!

Kayla invited her friend Natalie to come with us, and Logan's friend Chris quickly joined our group as well.

Krystin and friends working as Santa's Helpers... Aaawww How cute!

Apparently, being a Santa's Helper gives you an immediate celebrity status with those under the age of 10yrs. I found these little elfkins being chased by a wild swarm of munchkins into the girl's bathroom. They got a slight reprieve in the bathroom, and yes it is probably slightly inappropriate to take a pic in the bathroom, but I couldn't resist...

and of course they needed to get a pic with Santa (and Mrs. Claus) too...

bonus pic.

Look who has a new friend.
This is a busy weekend, be warned - my camera is armed and ready for action!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ok. just one more thing...

Ok, I went downstairs to say goodnight to my hard working hubby (who was working in the kitchen instead of his office upstairs). And, I saw the sweetest thing - Angel was out cold on her bed. Maybe I am just tired, but just seeing her look so happy and peaceful made me smile. Especially, after she was sick and the ongoing hurt paw issues... Angel must have had a long day, because she didn't even budge when I walked by her or took her picture. I sure love that girl.
