It appears there will only be 3 meets this season.
2 regular meets and 1 Champion meet.
The second meet was yesterday evening!
Honestly, out here XC is very different.
In CA it is more a lifestyle.
Most everyday is centered around running.
All year long.
Out here, practice is twice a week.
With an hour and a half commute each day to school and back,
tons of AP class homework,
and athletics council and clubs,
that is about as much as they can fit in.
I know the kids miss the 6 day a week training schedule,
but are enjoying experiencing the sport in HK.
Here are some pics from the race!
Kayla and I met KC and LO at the school again.
We were off right after school ended.
(It was 'free dress' day, btw)
On the bus.
This race was just for the High school students.
Only 3 students chose to participate, two of which were ours!
Hi Kay!
The drive took about 30 mins in traffic through the city.
The meet was at the top of a very large HILL!
Made me realize I am totally out of shape.
but the national park was beautiful.
Really reminded me of OC
Getting ready
The AIS team, for the day!
They were sitting in teams.
Poor KC all alone!
These girls noticed KC was alone,
and told her she could be part of their team!
How sweet is that?!
I was asked to help direct kids toward the finish line!
It was fun to be able to help and cheer for all of them!(:
I missed Logan's warm up, because I was helping.
I did see the start though!
Krystin came to cheer/direct during the boys' race!
It was getting dark, camera did NOT like it!
Darn it!
that and Logan was blazing a path.
They both did awesome!
Interesting things about the race:
-They were told to keep to the LEFT on the path (not the right).
- The path was open to the public. Babies, dogs, old people were everywhere.
-The race includes STAIRS.
-There was another race happening at the same time.
Made it interesting for sure.
Kayla Loved the stairs and grounds.
They complimented each other well, don't you think?
Coach and the team!
Mommy and her runners!
The finals are on Halloween a couple days after they return from France!
Hopefully, they will find a little time to train in Paris!
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