Thursday, October 25, 2012

Krystin's Brain

Krystin is taking Psychology.

To help the students understand the brain's anatomy a little better,
her teacher gave the students a creative assignment.

Krystin told me she needed playdough for class.
My first thought was do they have play dough out here?
She told me her teacher said they do, at Toys R US!
Yes.  We do have Toys R Us out here!
(Not close to where we live, but downtown).

They created 'play dough' brains in class.
As part of the assignment they were to bring it home and dissect it for us,
while explaining the parts and function.

It was actually very creative and awesome!
I loved it!

Krystin's Brain!!
 No, Krystin!  
Don't do it!
 Little glimpse inside
 It was actually pretty cute!
I love tactile learning.

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