Berlin, Germany
Todd and I had never actually been to Germany before.
Well, we did have a couple stop-overs there,
for a couple of hours at a time, in the airport,
but that doesn't count.
It is funny, because "Haser" is a German name,
and my Mom's Maiden name is "Helfer" another German name.
So, we were sort of visiting one of our 'home' lands!
I have to admit,
it was awesome not having ONE person
mispronounce - HASER the entire time!
Part of Todd's job is staying in the know for his specialty.
As such, he attends conferences that are pertinent to his expertise,
around the world when he can.
This conference he was actually not only gaining knowledge,
but sharing as well.
He was able to do two presentations.
He knows how much I LOVE to travel,
and explore,
and ok to be with him,
so he invited me to come with!!
Mind you, the conference was Weds, Thurs, and Friday.
The plane flight(s) alone, one way were over 16 hours.
We would be arriving Tuesday night, and leaving Saturday Morning.
So, pretty quick turnaround, and long flight times!
The trip came with guaranteed JetLAG!
Sounded fun to me, either way!
Todd signed me up for the conference with him.
I felt so official with my own badge and shirt! Woot! LOL!
I know what you are thinking.
3 days in Berlin,
of which they were in conferences during the day.
So, how many pictures could Tamara overload us with?
Yah, well. A LOT, apparently.
I tried to narrow them down, really.
I maybe, should have split them into three posts...
Nope, too jet-lagged.
Good luck!
On the plane, heading out.
Can't leave home without my Duffy-baby Todd gave me
or the Pocket-llama.

Duff was very tired on the flight.
We arrived at night time in Berlin, it was dark.
The first real view I had of the city was from our hotel window,
as the sun was rising....
I couldn't complain.
What a wonderful greeting.
Be warned.
The pics are out of order,but it kind of feels like that in my head right now,
so it is appropriate!
Getting ready to go in the morning.
(at conference)
These pictures were all taken right by our hotel.
We walked all over the city and admired the arhitecture.
Love floral shops that are blooming out on to the curb.
so many people rode bikes!
Brave souls
Fam Dang - there you go
Oh, back to conference.
On a break, we were getting a little silly...
obligatory, McDonald's pic.
This building was right next to our hotel.
It was probably my favorite.
I loved the great detail that was put into every little piece.
and yes, it sits on the edge of a waterway.
In our hotel,
there was a supersized Fish tank.
I am not exaggerating.
It was over 7 stories tall, with a huge elevator that went up through the center.
more street shots
Currently, Berlin is 'Bearlin'
and fancy painted bears can be found everywhere
funny store name
First sign I saw not in German, hmnn
Berlin's Metro
Dunkin Donuts!
I was beyond excited about the prospect of a REAL donut!
I didn't like mine that much,but then Todd reminded me I wasn't a big Dunkin fan in the states, so....
Am I a donut snob?
Is there such a thing?
We didn't eat here, but sounded fun!
Our hotel
Coffee shop next to our hotel.
Todd would laugh every time he read the sign.
Yes, he is 14 when it comes to his humor! :p
The first Day we were going to have authentic German food.
I was really excited,
and somehow we ended up at an American steak house!
Ha! Todd was over the moon!
It was good.
Funny little shop
I sooo wanted this knife stand.
Made me laugh.
Todd thought it might be an issue for security though.
I am NOT strangling him, I swear!
Day 2 - Singing in the Rain!
(not really, but I did try to get Todd to a bit)
Yay! Todd presented on Day 2 and 3.
I loved it!
Loved the street names.
No clue why.
Berlin apparently has good taste in music too.
We were able to leave a little early on day 2,
so Todd took me adventuring!
I was super excited!
First thing we noticed, just steps out of our hotel.
Street side vendor dude.
Yes. We needed a french roll sausage thingy
Soooo Good
I don't know if I have ever mentioned this on the blog,
but people in costume SCARE ME, a LOT.
Well these two didn't look scary, because their job was to be a statue.
I really liked that!
That was til Todd tossed some coins in their cup...
Oh man, they started dancing and squeaking and getting all rowdy!
Fortunately, they stayed on their platform.
Ok. They were cute, even if a little scary.
clouds and wind
We enjoyed the chillinessss
There were Museums everywhere
I loved the contrast of the sky with this statue.
There was construction EVERYWHERE
Humboldt University
(which is funny, cause Krystin is considering going to Humboldt in the US)
I had to take this pic
Todd pointed out that Duff wanted a pic with a Berlin Bear too!
So cute!
believe it or not, Bubble tea is the rage there too!
Copper man and Bear man battle?
looks like Bear man lost his head.
Peek-a-boo, cute man!
Trees that change color, crazy!
Cage the Elephant (ha!)
We actually decided to try the metro.
So not OUR metro.
Old, slow, clanky, but still fun
Check Point Charlie was very cool.
One of the remaining pieces of the Berlin wall.
I didn't fully appreciate our (US) place there until I saw this map.
pieces of the wall that have become art adorn the city streets.
Another piece of time (thankfully) from the past.
Scariest clown sign EVER...
Ok. look at the doors in this building closely.
Todd said the bad people get sent out of the higher doors, ha!
This chocolate shop was crazy!
Chocolate masterpieces adorned every nook and cranny
more beautiful architecture
I am making a separate post to go with this picture below.
A tour where you have to peddle it yourself to move,
and they feed you beer?! Silly Germany!
Good night sun...
frolic and play around the cross on the top of the building.
They were sooo cute!
We did get German dinner on Day 2!
and even if the WHITE weiners in the water looked a little strange.
They were delish!

Random: This is their version of an ironing board?

Todd started it with a Jackalope - LOL!
I don't think anyone got it, sort of an AZ joke.
But it was pretty awesome.
Don't' worry, he explained!
Todd in front of conference place
Oh, it was strange.
I was taking pictures
and DROVES of little older military men started pouring into the square.
So of course, I had to take pics of them!This is the public restroom.
Uhm, no thank you.
(and that says something coming from HK!)
Ok. we were TRYING to do a self-timer pic,
but could not stop being goofy...
Well, one of us was being goofy (ahem, Todd)
and the other couldn't stop laughing so hard that she was crying.
It was pretty pathetic.
Really. Goofy! Ha ha
Look at the trees!
We went to the Berlin Needle in the sky
Needle Bear
Great view (360 degrees)
I was shocked to see that it looked almost the same in all directions.
Look T-N-T and Duff in the sky!
Really YUMMY German Food! yum. yum...
and it didn't make me sick, like Asia does! YAY!
Each way, we had a stopover in France.
The first time was less than 40 mins.. (which was INSANE)
The way home.
I had a window seat, so I was able to see France from the sky.
Hey, it is a start!
I really want to go to France, for more than a stopover!
But it was fun to get a peak at the beautiful countryside.
While after flying for about 17 hours,
the last time of day I want to land is 7am.
7pm sounds much better...
The view made it worth it!
Oh, on another note.
The international airport in Berlin, is TINY!
Super tiny. Like get out of the plane and walk on the ground small.
Well, if you fly to Berlin on Air France.
Get there at least 2-3 hours early....
The Air France line was INSANE.
No line at the other airlines btw.
finally on the plane home.
SUPER tired, but happy.
Duff enjoyed our window seats too.
He is really the best Bear.I LOVE him! Thank you, Todd! <3 nbsp="nbsp">3>
The view as I was arriving home to HK.
Heaven on Earth
(ok, above Earth, but still)
Thank you for having us!
Hopefully, next time we will be able to get to know you a little better!
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