It is a bit of a strange thought to think this is the very last year of Cross Country meets with my kids. While Cross Country is definitely not the same in Hong Kong, as it was in California it still feels like a piece of home, of being a Mom too! The XC meets out here seem a bit more disorganized too, and so much less official. The kids don't even know their times until a couple days later. They do know their place, but there isn't a time clock for them to see. All timing and organizing is done by the coaches, and the venues aren't at schools they have to be arranged at places like National parks and YMCAs. I am also usually the ONLY parent there. ???!?!?!? Unheard of right? Well, the races are all over hong kong, and the kids go with their school, so I am guessing it isn't easy to go. I usually have Krystin arrange a seat for me on the bus, if it is available! I would NEVER find the meets otherwise.
Last week, and even early this week we had some cooler days. It was SO NICE! Well, the heat along with it's bestfriend super humidity came back in full force the past couple days. Just walking the almost 10 minutes from the MTR to Krystin's school to meet her had my face a lovely shade of red.... All I could think was - POOR RUNNERS!
Seriously, look at the map below. We live off the orange line at the Tung Chung exit (bottom right). The race was at Ma On Shan (top left). Oh, Krystin's school is off the green line Kowloon Tong (central ish).
Really couldn't be much further from home. We took the metro home, and were grateful for AC even if there were a bazillion people as it was rush hour!
Sitting next to my glowing runner on the little bus.
The coaches this year the two ladies are from California, made it feel a little more like home.
Mr. Smith is also from the states. I forgot to ask which one!
My little runner was well hydrated, so we found the toilets pretty quickly. I just had to share what they looked like! Not inside. I did not go inside...
The outside was actually recently painted with penguins, so cute!
Anyhow, back to the track!
This event was held at a YMCA and sits right on the ocean. It is actually a beautiful view, which since I was asked to help I didn't get a chance to go down there and get pics of, sorry!
Warming up...
You can almost see the ocean just beyond the bushes, and on the other side where there is land there is a giant Buddhist statue.
Krystin led drills and stretches. So strange that she is a Senior?!
More Hydrating!
My glowing child with her team!
Seriously, she just glowed in my pics yesterday.
Ready, Set, Go!
The perk of what I was asked to do is that I was at the finish line. I was asked to hand the kids the number of their position as they crossed and send them to Mr. Smith to record their names and position!
Ok, it is a pretty cool job (even if I was in the sun for 2 hours sweating, highly attractive). So much less stressful than timing! I am always worried I will double click the timer or something. I haven't had it happen yet, but I would feel awful if I did. Handing out numbers and cheering - I am all over that!
Krystin did great, just barely 2 weeks post oral surgery! She took third place, and threw up as she crossed! No, I did NOT get a picture of that! She made it! The heat was pretty bad, and the air quality too. These kids out here are seriously die hard!
Hong Kong really is quite beautiful!
Great Job, Krystin!!!
Here's to a wonderful season, and hopefully some shade clouds and maybe a nice cool breeze too!
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