We always seem busy around here....
Between life, school, work, meets and the critters...
Yes... Even our lizard is spoiled and hand fed...
Why would we make any of our creatures have to work for their food?
I love this picture.
She had just had a bath and was like, "Mom, I am sleeping..."///
Logan and I text (Whatsapp) frequently, and we always send silly selfies...
Yes. We are that cheesy, but you know we are ok with it.
Lol! He was having flash technical difficulties.
Todd and I finally got a Disney Dinner Date!
We were so excited to see they had decorated for Halloween!
Duffy LOVES scary things, such a boy!
Kay and Honey were practicing their blue steal expressions together, while we were at Disney.
Duffy posed in the Halloween display and got Daddy to get him a Zero pup.
And one for the girls too.
Krystin and I were able to bond at the dentist, so not my favorite thing ever.
However, our dentist was really good.
Logan and Kayla studied Japanese together through Skype, so cute!
Despite Kay's expression, believe me she was excited and is not a vampire!
Krystin had her check up on her wisdom teeth, looked good!
Logan is keeping up on his brushing!
Indy is always cute.
Ok. Logan is pretty cute too.
But really. Come on.
A cute baby bird that LOVES to cuddle so much, that she crawls into the leg of your shorts and falls asleep. (Yes, those are Todd's legs, not mine!!).... Man she is cute! She will bite him if he tries to stop her, so cute and funny.
Somehow that is comfortable to Lily.
Apparently. Logan's dorm is on an ant hill. He refused to buy any ant traps, as they were friendly. Well, when I got a message that he was sleeping on a sofa in the lounge as the cute ants were using his bed. That was it. I ordered an ant trap and sent it. No clue if it is helping....
Oh, and they don't have airconditioning in the dorm, and it has been around 88-89 degrees F, which makes it very warm in the dorms... So, I had a fan sent. He said it is great. Maybe if he is lucky it will blow the ants off of him while he sleeps too?
Todd and I went with Krystin to see the Taming of the Shrew with her AP Lit class downtown.
It was really awesome.
A UK Performing group of all women.
While we were at the play, Kayla spent a day on a Junk with her new good friend Bonnie,
and a bunch of other new friends!
Logan went to a Mindy Gledhill concert with some friends in Hawaii!

He actually was able to meet her!
The local restuarant just downstairs had a new ad...
Chicken foot soup or prawn soup (head and all)... No thank you.
Logan's reaction to a suggestion for a gift I gave him.
I thought it was pretty good!
Logan heading downtown with friends.
Todd and I love to have Sushi dates, but the only sushi place that we knew of that was decent (not good like home by any means) was by the kids' schools. This would be awesome if the kids even sort of liked sushi we could coordinate and meet there, but no. They really just don't like it. Thus, making our sushi dates a little more challenging. Well that was until a couple of weeks ago we discovered just two stops away there is the SAME sushi place! Score, super close and easy, and way less crowded.
I mean, come on who would not love eating sushi while you are being stared at by your meal?
This dog. Oh my....
She always sleeps in. I get up shower and come back to make the bed and this is what I find.
In other news...
The buses for our complex have changed.
Ok. I was looking for a birthday card the other day,
and this made me laugh so you have to see it too.
It was my MOM'S Birthday!!
Happy Birthday, Mom! Love you!!
It was also, Todd's sister Ali's Birthday! Happy Birthday to Ali too!
Logan loves to text me while at the gym.
I am getting better at texting and running on the elliptical.
He is getting better at taking flash pics with his eyes open!
Duffy and Sally had a romantic evening.
Indy wanted to send Logan a kiss through Mommy!
Oh Man that is so bad!
Logan in his work uniform at work, pretty cute!
Happy Happenings from my phone!
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