Tuesday, May 21, 2013

HK Happenings

Recent Happenings...

Summer is upon us.  It is getting hot!  Worse than hot, like soupy humid....  I can handle some heat. I lived in AZ for about 13 years, but the humid takes some getting use to...  It makes you feel like you can't breathe, so weird.  Although, I do need a LOT less lotion.   Upside!  

Well, our dogs were really starting to look like fluff balls.  They needed to be groomed.  After our last experience though, I was really too afraid to send them to grooming.  Honestly, I had nightmares of taking them to get them groomed and picking them up COMPLETELY bald with NO ears.  Shutter...  The image of naked earless dogs still lingers in the back of my mind.   

But...  It is HOT, and they really needed to be groomed.
We received a flyer from a local vet (local like walking distance) that said they groomed as well.  I didn't even know the vet was there.  So, I decided I would brave it.  The Vet was awesome.  She wasn't a groomer. but wanted to say Hi, and promised our dogs would keep their ears.   The groomer didn't really speak very much English, but they had someone to translate.  I showed her a picture too.  A few hours later we received a phone call to come and get them.  I was still nervous.  It was so cute though, as you walk in the Vets office there is a small room with a glass door to the right.  That is the groomers room.  I looked in there and noticed the groomer was working on a dog.  Then noticed an adorable little white fluffless ball by her feet and another cutie passed out on a little rug by her.  Those were my babies!  They weren't even stressed at all.  They were just happily sitting by her.  Of course,  as soon as they saw me they went all barking crazy, but it was cute.

She did EXACTLY what I asked.
Lily loved it!

While Honey will never have the tips of her ears again, 
she didn't lose anymore of her ears. YAY!

She felt SO much better too! So much cooler.

Yes, they were happy girls. As was their Momma. 

I tried putting the bow on Honey's head.
 She was not thrilled....
Don't worry, the iron wasn't plugged in.

Lily is always more cooperative. 

Indy is always begging to sleep in our bed.
She will jump on the bed and hide under the blankets and act like she is sleeping.
It is so cute.
Too bad I worry about squishing her. 

 She doesn't like it when I have my computer on my lap either,
so she will jump up on my knee and claim it.
Then she will groom herself...

Sometimes she even tries to ninja kick my computer!

 The local book store apparently was selling cash!

I took the kids to an "American Style" lunch after completing APs exams.
Ok, there is a warning in the menu "American size portions".
It made me laugh until I got my sandwich... 

They were not exaggerating.  I could barely finish half.
It was so good though.  Veggie club if you were wondering.

This makes me crazy...
I know it is probably bad order. 
 Food then a toilet, but that is the order the pics loaded. 
Ok. Ok. I get it.  In Asia they don't like to use the seat. 
I have accepted that squatting is the cool way to go...
But, if you are NOT going to sit on the seat provided, 
can you at least AIM into the toilet?
There is always PEE all over the place.
The floor and everything.
That and toilet paper on the floor. 
SO GROSS!  This is a really NICE bathroom too... 
You can't even really see it, but the floor was like a giant puddle.
Come on, this isn't the MEN's ROOM! :p

 Todd and I went to Ikea to just look and dream.
Todd apparently really liked this chair.
I will have to add it to the wish list.

Buddha had a Birthday, which meant we had the day off and so did everyone else.

The signs downtown are awesome! 

Ember got some lovin' too. 

Asia loves to be creative with their fruit!
I am curious to see if square fruit tastes any different.
The price is sure different.  About $60 US

Our HK Disney opened a new land, and ride!
It is called Mystic Manor.
We took the kids and it was awesome!
Todd and I actually were able to preview it before it opened.
So much fun!

It was very warm, so we were grateful for the air conditioning on It's A Smallworld.
 We even had a private boat.
That NEVER happens.

 How cute is my man?

Often when we walk the dogs we will stop at the local Circle K for some water.
Since the dogs can't go in, I stay out with them.
It is really cute. I trained them to sit on the wall.
 They just sit there waiting for their Daddy.  Adorable.

Sometimes I ask the pets for assistance in waking up the kids.
Ember was all energetic, so I put her on Krystin to wake her up.
I came back 10 minutes later and she was curled up passed out under the covers with Krystin.
Thanks for nothing, Embs!

Todd and I found a new Sushi place!  
It was actually decent. I am SO excited!!!
Other than some of the odd items, and not having our usual ones it was awesome!
Squid cartilage.  Oh no...  Yuck.  Look at the pic, doesn't that just seal the deal?

One thing Honey does that drives me CRAZY, she sleeps like she is dead!
I hate it.  Freaks me out.
She sleeps with her eyes wide open and her tongue hanging out.
Out cold or dead?  I am always uncertain for about 20 seconds...

I had to wave good bye to my Todd, as he went to Shanghai for the week...
Yes, the place that has the REALLY dangerous Avian flu.
I am not worried one bit...  yah right.

Todd did get me these, before he left.  They are so good.

With the heat and humidity comes the mosquitoes....
I don't normally get bit, but holy geez does it itch!
 Poor Krystin is a mosquito magnet.  No amount of spray or any other means of protection even detours them...  She has over 10 bites at any point in time...  :(

We have had some crazy storms too! 
You couldn't even see out the windows...

We had a Black Rainstorm today even, which meant NO SCHOOL!
The dog's are terrified from the loud thunderous skies and lightening, but the kids are very happy!

Apparently, something exciting was happening with our shuttle for where we live.
There was a news crew interviewing the Chinese speakers!
Wish I could understand what it was about.
Maybe soon.

Well, thank you for visiting, please come again.  :)

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