Spring Break - 2013
Logan, Krystin, and I (Tamara) went to CA.
Logan and Krystin hadn't been 'home' for 10 months.
We left on a midnight flight!
We were so tired.
I remember that view!
Hey the front view, much better!
We hung at the mall for a bit, we were kind of zombied out.
Hi, again!
I won't lie, I missed driving on these road!
Thank you, Sunny So Cal for not disappointing and giving us beautiful sunshine the entire time!
So beautiful, and it smelled as beautiful as it felt.
The beautiful scent of sweet flowers filled the air.

Ok, the food is amazing too, but the salsa!
KC loves the tacos.
Todd took Kayla to see The Croods back in Hk, so we saw it too!
Sunday was Easter, and my Mom graciously arranged a get together with some family members on our behalf. Oh, yes, and she bought T.O. Meat Locker for dinner, so Good!
We had a quick breakfast at the hotel, was so good!
Coming from Asia we are easy.

My little second cousins are so cute it is ridiculous!
My cousin Brock (Nikki's brother)
Jake, Gianna's cutie-pie big brother!
Jake giving me some seriously cute poses!
Gianna and I had fun coloring, and playing with the camera.
She was cracking me up!
Look at that cutie showing off her little dimple.
Uncle Brock imparting important knowledge to Jake.
Uncle Bill (My Mom's Brother, btw) and Aunt Marcella
Kryst, Lo, and cousin Everett
Mom, Lady, and cousin Howard
Everett, Mom, and Me!
Howard and his girlfriend. ;)
Brock, his longtime girlfriend Allie and the kiddos.
Ginger chilling.
Jai in his element!
My Mom coordinated her outfit with Lady! Ha.
The kids helped me make little easter baskets for the baby cousins!
They seemed to love them. :)
Their friends weren't on Spring Break, so we weren't expecting to see anyone.
However, Krystin's friend Rebecca and her sister happened to show up while we were there.
Something about oversleeping, and deciding on a beach day instead of school. LOL!
That is So Southern California!
It was so beautiful, it was hard to leave.
After school we went to Josh's to meet his Dragon.
Being that Josh and Krystin are runners, what do they want to do for fun?
Go running of course. They are demonstrating their form.
Logan and Josh were practicing their Eagle Brother Hugs! ha

We were able to fit in a quick Pechin appt for Krystin.
Tuesday we went to Disneyland.
We knew it would be a zoo, spring break and all, but we had to!
Krystin's duffy even had a little Pirate outfit on!
Celebrity spotting!
The Matternhorn!
My Duffy really wanted to go on Star Tours!
Kids wanted to know why the dude was larger than the lady, who was pregnant.

My guess, corn dogs.
Such cute ducks.
Ok. It was worth the price of admission just to have
a Barq's, Mint Chip Root beer float!
Hey, don't knock it if you haven't tried it.
The best thing ever,
Storm Troopers are so COOL!
We were SO tired and jetlagged we only lasted til 3:45pm,
but had a enough fun for an entire day, for sure!
Logan's team was excited to see him too!
Runners conserving energy.
Doesn't look comfortable to me.
I sure do miss the Capo Track meets!
It was fun to be able to attend one while we were there.
Poor Logan wasn't feeling well though, but he was hanging tuff.

After the meet, we went back to the hotel got cleaned up and ready for the main reason we went to California over Spring Break. It was for Logan to have the opportunity to get his Patriarchal Blessing. In Hong Kong there isn't a Patriarch, yet. It was actually really neat that we had to go back to CA for his blessing, as he then was able to get his blessing from the same Patriarch that gave Krystin hers. He is a very special man. :)
Thursday, our last day, we started it off right!
Logan contemplating the magnitude of his food!
After we decide, heck lets pierce Krystin's ears for the third time!
Third times a charm, right?
Don't you worry, Krystin, this time will work, I am sure of it!
Aw, so pretty!
Before we left, Alex wanted to have dinner with us.
(Kayla's Alex)
Midnight flight home again!
For added fun on a 16 hour flight, there were babies in front to next to behind and all around us. Yes, it was a loud flight. I do believe there was one baby to every two adults. It was crazy! I am so grateful for headphones!
Logan, Krystin, and I (Tamara) went to CA.
Logan and Krystin hadn't been 'home' for 10 months.
We left on a midnight flight!
We were so tired.
The flight was full, as they always seem to be (only direct flight to LAX).
By the time we got to the hotel it was 3am, Saturday Morning.
Luckily, one of our favorite breakfast spots serves breakfast all day.
Added Bonus, we were able to see the cutest dog!
It is an Alaskan Klee Kai!!
Imagine an Alaskan Malamute, Pomeranian sized!
Yes, one day I will have a few of these!
We of course had to grab Josh, and drag him to Costco with us.
I didn't have any cash, and couldn't remember my US Bank Card pin. Lame I know, so I borrowed a few bucks from Krystin. Don't worry, I remembered it later. I blame lack of sleep and jet lag!
Wow, gas for under 4 dollars a gallon, and that is a good deal?I remember that view!
Hey the front view, much better!
We hung at the mall for a bit, we were kind of zombied out.
Hi, again!
I won't lie, I missed driving on these road!
Thank you, Sunny So Cal for not disappointing and giving us beautiful sunshine the entire time!
So beautiful, and it smelled as beautiful as it felt.
The beautiful scent of sweet flowers filled the air.
For dinner it was imperative, we had to have my favorite Salsa, I mean Mexican food!
Ok, the food is amazing too, but the salsa!
KC loves the tacos.
We went to the movies that night, and grabbed Krystin's friend Kaitlyn too!
Todd took Kayla to see The Croods back in Hk, so we saw it too!
Sunday was Easter, and my Mom graciously arranged a get together with some family members on our behalf. Oh, yes, and she bought T.O. Meat Locker for dinner, so Good!
We had a quick breakfast at the hotel, was so good!
Coming from Asia we are easy.
My little second cousins are so cute it is ridiculous!
Grampa (Uncle Bill) with little Gianna
(my cousin Nikki, her Mommy, is in Indiana currently).
Grama (Aunt Marcella) with Gianna.
Logan and Krystin demonstrating their amazing squatting techniques.
Always have to say hi to Grama's goats!
My cousin Brock (Nikki's brother)
Jake, Gianna's cutie-pie big brother!
Jake giving me some seriously cute poses!
Gianna and I had fun coloring, and playing with the camera.
She was cracking me up!
Ok, yes, I wanted to sneak them into my pocket and take them home with me!
They are adorable.
Look at that cutie showing off her little dimple.
Uncle Brock imparting important knowledge to Jake.
Uncle Bill (My Mom's Brother, btw) and Aunt Marcella
Kryst, Lo, and cousin Everett
Mom, Lady, and cousin Howard
Everett, Mom, and Me!
Howard and his girlfriend. ;)
Brock, his longtime girlfriend Allie and the kiddos.
Ginger chilling.
Jai in his element!
Jai gifted Logan a couple of his suits, nice!
Mom's rescue dogs seem very happy.
My Mom coordinated her outfit with Lady! Ha.
The kids helped me make little easter baskets for the baby cousins!
They seemed to love them. :)
Was a really nice day, we had fun. :)
Monday, as promised we went down to the beach to have breakfast burritos!
Their friends weren't on Spring Break, so we weren't expecting to see anyone.
However, Krystin's friend Rebecca and her sister happened to show up while we were there.
Something about oversleeping, and deciding on a beach day instead of school. LOL!
That is So Southern California!
It was so beautiful, it was hard to leave.
After a beautiful morning we headed over to Capo High for lunch.
It felt really strange to 'drop' them off there.
After school we went to Josh's to meet his Dragon.
Being that Josh and Krystin are runners, what do they want to do for fun?
Go running of course. They are demonstrating their form.
Logan and Josh were practicing their Eagle Brother Hugs! ha
I only followed them for a while.
I know you were wondering, but we did go to Target!
Oh, Target, how I miss you!
Duffy does too.
We were able to fit in a quick Pechin appt for Krystin.
It is totally cool to take pics of random dudes, because you think their dog is cute right?
Seriously, look at that doggy smile! LOVE!
(The dude didn't look thrilled!)
We had to get a boba drink to feel closer to Todd and Kay in HK!
Tuesday we went to Disneyland.
We knew it would be a zoo, spring break and all, but we had to!
Krystin's duffy even had a little Pirate outfit on!
Celebrity spotting!
The Matternhorn!
My Duffy really wanted to go on Star Tours!
Kids wanted to know why the dude was larger than the lady, who was pregnant.
My guess, corn dogs.
Such cute ducks.
Ok. It was worth the price of admission just to have
a Barq's, Mint Chip Root beer float!
Hey, don't knock it if you haven't tried it.
The best thing ever,
Storm Troopers are so COOL!
We were SO tired and jetlagged we only lasted til 3:45pm,
but had a enough fun for an entire day, for sure!
Wednesday just happened to be a Track Meet, and Krystin happened to have her uniform, LOL!
Her friends wanted her to run, but that would probably disqualify the results so we decided against it.
She still had a great time cheering for friends!
Earlier in the Day, I took Logan to get a couple suits.
Logan's team was excited to see him too!
What?! They have a food truck now? Not once in the last 3 years did they do that!
Runners conserving energy.
Doesn't look comfortable to me.
I sure do miss the Capo Track meets!
It was fun to be able to attend one while we were there.
Poor Logan wasn't feeling well though, but he was hanging tuff.
After the meet, we went back to the hotel got cleaned up and ready for the main reason we went to California over Spring Break. It was for Logan to have the opportunity to get his Patriarchal Blessing. In Hong Kong there isn't a Patriarch, yet. It was actually really neat that we had to go back to CA for his blessing, as he then was able to get his blessing from the same Patriarch that gave Krystin hers. He is a very special man. :)
Quick change and ready to go.
Logan looked sharp!
After the blessing we got dinner.
Thursday, our last day, we started it off right!
Logan contemplating the magnitude of his food!
mine was more manageable.
Krystin was worried for her brother!
We stopped by Capo one more time and gave friends love.
After we decide, heck lets pierce Krystin's ears for the third time!
Third times a charm, right?
Don't you worry, Krystin, this time will work, I am sure of it!
Aw, so pretty!
Before we left, Alex wanted to have dinner with us.
(Kayla's Alex)
Alex and his Mom.
His Mom bought us dinner, that was so sweet!
We grabbed one more Ice Cream, and headed out!
For added fun on a 16 hour flight, there were babies in front to next to behind and all around us. Yes, it was a loud flight. I do believe there was one baby to every two adults. It was crazy! I am so grateful for headphones!
I was so happy to land at 5:40am and have my sweet man waiting for me!!!
That right there is some serious dedication, he is NOT a morning person.
1 comment:
I don't know what happenned to the other posting I published on this blog or where it went. So I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to document this journey and take us with you. I always love your sweet way of looking at life and adventurous spirit. I don't know what I'd do without your Facebooking and these blogs. They help keep me from being so lonesome for you guys. I love you tons! Dad
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