Sunday, September 25, 2011

Moments in time...

WARNING:  Picture Overload 

My kids are growing up too fast!

Sometimes, I cope well with it,
but other times not so much...

To cope with the situation....

I decided I need to stop time in its tracks!

Or at least capture this fleeting moment...

So, I took my babes to the beach and immortalized them.

It wasn't the best lighting day at the beach, very gray, but bright, odd really...


Girls were a little unhappy over my request -
that they stand on the, as Kay called it
 So, they decided to commune with nature...

Yah, I don't even know.
They are a bit silly!

Apparently, my kids are self quieting.
 and a tiny bit dramatic
 and sweet as can be.

no clue what they are looking at.
Maybe, they were praying,
"Please have Mom release us from the Sea Mold!"

 They bravely trekked barefoot over the sharp rocks!

 and helped each other along the way.
so cute

 Why they always need to be monsters, I will never know?!

Logan INSISTED on climbing this HUGE ROCK
 The girls cheered him on from a safer spot

contemplative Lo

and Yes, they totally point and laugh at me!

I sure LOVE these kiddos...

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