Friday, February 5, 2010

Finals - are over...

Finally... Hee, hee. So funny, I know! Seriously though, this past week the kiddos had finals and let me tell you, my kids were rather 'stressed'. Despite my 'special' breakfasts I made them each morning. My really hilarious sense of humor. And even despite all the hugs?! Mooody. Poor cranky babes. Really. I did feel for them. No one likes finals. Well, except maybe Logan. He actually seemed pretty excited, and didn't even sweat it. He was like, my goal is 100% on the finals, and he did get 100% on two of his finals! 100% on a cumulative final in college prep bio, really? Seriously! Go Logan.

So, back to finals this past week.... The kids were given today off, so teachers can finalize grades in peace is my guess. Which means, yes, it is true - the kids were ALL MINE for an extra day!!! WOO HOO!

So, what did we do to celebrate the completion of one more semester of life? We went to Disneyland - OF COURSE! Todd did have some reservations about us going. I was not sure if it was more because he couldn't join us (he had to work) or if it was because yah, it was raining... I was like - rain, rain?! That is an issue. NOT! That is why God created the Poncho! Fabulous little invention and cheap - 1 dollar each! Best of all, rainy day at Disney means no lines! Oh, I was so all-in and so were the kids. Even though, Kay was at the Winter formal and didn't get to bed til after 1 am last night (and neither did I).

We had a blast! Thanks kids for being awesome! I love you guys and you make life sooo much more fun - moodiness and all!

I didn't bring my camera,
so here's a phone pic...

and yes, Todd - we missed you MUCH!

Todd don't worry you are still my number ONE Disney buddy!
I love you!

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