Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Of creativity and creatures

I love when my children are creative.

From the time they were tiny I encouraged creativity (over order) many times....

What fun is a house that doesn't sparkle from glitter?

I always opted for hands on MESSY projects over television any day of the week.
I truly believe to fully develop independent thought and innovation, creativity should be cultivated from a young age.  My children have always embraced this full-heartedly.

I love it!

Their independent preferences to channel their creativity has branched out in different ways for each of them.  Logan channels his more along the lines of developing computer programs and games now.  Krystin spends hours drawing and painting.  While Kayla, tends to love to bring creatures to life through the art of sewing.   They all have a passion and love for languages and learning in general as well. It is so wonderful as a Mom to see them embrace their talents and share them with me....  

Recently, before school started, Kayla has been taking advantage of the time she had and has been sewing.  She made me the cutest little creature. 
I have actually been wanting one for a long time.  Her boyfriend made one before we moved here for a friend.  It is a creature called a 'Scalemate' and is from a show. I don't even know the name of the show. The only problem is the poor thing had no arms!!  
I expressed my concern, and Kay offered to make me one with arms!!
She had to design the arms herself, which she did excellently! 

It is so CUTE!
I totally love it!
Todd named him for me, Zargon. :) 

She spent days poking her fingers working on all of the tiny, little details.

To show her my appreciation, I made her this little one.
Ok, I love to create too.

Besides these guys needed a little buddy!

I am so grateful for kids that love to use their mind and time to create, learn and grow.

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