Saturday, September 14, 2013

Happy 20th, Kayla-Love!

A Most Happy Birthday to my darling Kayla-Love!

(I love this picture, because I think it captures how I see you. 
 Beautiful. Imaginative. Amazing Fun. and ok eternally my baby.)

See you totally haven't changed (well aside from the eyeliner maybe).

Today you are 20!

My Kay today you have officially left your teens behind you, feels good doesn't it?!

Trust me your twenties are so much better and I know you will love them, once you get to know them better of course!   While I kind of feel like I am lying when I say I have a 20 year old baby, I am so excited to have had the opportunity to not only be your Mommallama all these 20 years, but to also have the opportunity to have you in my life.  I value you your mind, your insight, your strength, your wisdom, and most especially your deep-sensitive soul.  You truly have been a blessing in my life and that of your family.  We all love you dearly.

I hope your 20's will fill you with satisfaction, success, lots of love and more happiness than you can imagine.

Love you always and forever, and you will always be my baby even when the number above reads 100!

A Most Happy Birthday!


Momma <3 p="">

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