Monday, July 16, 2012

It's a Small world after all...

One thing that I have come to realize, again....

Is this planet is really not that big.
Literally and figuratively
Diameter -7,926.41 miles (12,756.32 kilometers) 
If you were wondering.
Not that big really!

Within a Day (plus/minus)
You can visit ANYWHERE on this planet.

Our Planet.

Our Earth.

Our home....

We ALL share it.

It doesn't matter what continent we live on.
What country we hale too.

We all have a common home.

The air, the ocean, the land knows no difference.

The Earth is not a bunch of mishmash pieces that are divided,
but part of one big whole.

How I wish, we as the PEOPLE of Earth
(I know that sounds sci-fi-ish, but accurate)
could view each other as part of a whole.

As one big family.

Our differences.
Our cultures.
Our languages.
Our appearances.
Are all just complimentary aspects 
of this Earthly home.

How wonderful would it be, 
for us to see our similarities...
The beauty that lies within each person and culture,
rather than our differences...
Or even rather than fear our differences
Learn from them.
Respect them.
and Grow...

And how beautiful would it be ....
To fully appreciate the Earth and respect it as well
for the gift of life it gives us,
rather than try to own, dominate and pollute it?

What a beautiful home we have.
The variety on the Earth makes it that much more amazing.
The Deserts.

pic from drive to Arizona
The Mountains.

The planes.

The oceans (my favorite)
 pic from a sunset cruise we were on....
Sunset on the ocean, nothing compares... 

The lakes.

Valleys, caves, waterfall, SO MUCH more...
Even the night sky is a gift!

Our planet is truly breathtakingly beautiful.
I am so grateful to live here...

Any time you want a little heaven on Earth,
just stop and look around you.
It can be found even in the smallest details...
Even in the sweet scent of a beautiful flower.

I just wish 
 humankind could live in this sweet harmony, as well.
That truly would be heaven on Earth.

How I wish that we as the people of this planet
could feel the same awe for the
diversity of our brothers and sisters of this planet,
as we do for the beauty and diversity of our Earthly terrains.

After all.
We will all once again just return to the Earth.

Ashes to Ashes...
Dust to Dust and all...
In the end ...
We are not different..

If only humanity could teach its children 
to care more about each other than themselves,
to love and treat each other and our planet kindly,
with thanksgiving and respect.  

Can you imagine it?

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