Friday, August 5, 2011

The trek home!

Driving the 2ish hours to and from our home town area carries with it many memories.  As we near our old stomping grounds, especially with kids in tow, all the old memories start flooding back.   The many places we enjoyed adventuring too as teens.  Todd decided to take a detour on the way home to share ONE of those places (my favorite) with the kids!

We took them to a place we call
"Top of the World"

So high up that planes fly beneath you.
 When we were young, you could drive on the little road most of the way to get there.
It ends in an old abandoned Fire Outlook
Now, you have to park on the main street (which happens to be a little road called STUNT Road) and hike back.

View from the road

To say that Kayla was LESS than thrilled with us for making her hike would be an understatement.
I don't know what her deal was.  So, she hates to be outside.  So, we just spent like 3 hours in the heat at a park...  So, it  was really, REALLY a lot hotter than we thought it would be and she was in jeans....

But, she came with us, and was still cute. 

 The path was MUCH longer than I remembered.
Did I mention it was HOT?!
 yah.  No real shade to speak of either.

After 5 mins or so...
I think Kayla was thinking of Jumping. 
Just kidding, mostly.

 Hmn, more hills?
Means down hill on the way back, right?
 and the path kept going...
See that far off point in the distance, yah...
 I was LOVING it though, so beautiful.

 Krystin was leading the way.
 off she went.

 Todd was just taking his time, enjoying the view.
 As we thought we were nearing the end, we saw that there was quite a bit more to go and all down hill.  To which Todd said, "Uhm, No. Not doing that, as that would be a serious incline on the way back."
And did I mention?
We didn't argue, as we were pretty toasty by this point.
Ok, VERY toasty and for some reason the kids didn't bring their waters from the car with them?
Todd and I shared, but really they needed their own.

So, we took in how pretty it was and took pics.

I Love my husband!
I love that he likes to go adventuring with me, even if it is HOT!

There was really NO ONE else crazy enough  to be hiking...
So, when Logan took his shirt off to cool down a little
and the girls did too.
I couldn't really blame them....
(like the beach, right?)

Now to try and convince them to go back when it is cooler and finish the hike!

Oh, and the drive home... was interesting.
Barely enough room for two cars to fit snuggly on this cliff filled, windy road, and lots of signs about the road narrowing, sweet!  

Oh, and the Gas light came on...

But, we drove home by the coast and there is nothing better than the smell of the ocean air as you drive home.

Til the next installment of "Haser House Adventures"

1 comment:

Sims Family said...

ahhh the memories. How fun! I don't know if I would remember how to get there! Did you ever go to the haunted dairy? I think it was in Camarillo.
