Hello everyone, this is Krystin, guest blogging about my trip to Mammoth.
I'll start out first by telling you about what Mammoth is, exactly. It's high altitude training that my cross country coach has. He takes the top 20 girls on the team of 110 up to stay in beautiful Mammoth Lakes, CA. It's a long car ride and an unforgettable experience that includes team bonding, race prep, two workouts a day, and a challenge for all. Overall, it's amazing.
So, it's been my goal to make it to Mammoth this summer since the last one. I worked hard every day, running and doing all the harder workouts with the objective of going to Mammoth in mind. Finally, I got my invite. I made it. Sadly, that next Monday, I got injured.
I could barely walk for a couple days and then I biked up until the Mammoth trip. I was still injured up in Mammoth, but ran a couple of the shorter workouts. Other than being injured (which was very disappointing) I really enjoyed the trip.
The seminars were great, the cabins/condos were amazing, and the bonding was like nowhere else. It was certainly an unforgettable experience and one I hope to be able to enjoy again next year and the year after, and in those times, not injured.
Here are some pics I took from my journey:
Picture 1) a Lake we hiked to. Picture 2) After Hike picture. Picture 3) View from Cabin Balcony. Picture 4) The food stash. Picture 5) In the cabin. Picture 6)Hiking. Picture 7) The team :)
Mammoth was a wonderful time. I even got a bitten by, and late killed, a big black spider! I'm really glad for such a wonderful experience, but I'm also glad to be home with the family. To Fam: I love you guys and missed you a lot! Glad to be home with you!
Now to fix up my legs, and prepare for an awesome season was my bro, Blazer, and an amazing sophomore school year. Thanks for reading my guest blog!
Littlest Haser,
Krystin ~:>
Monday, August 29, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
A Mammoth accomplishment!
This is my baby...
She is driven like NO other to succeed....
Can't is NOT in her vocabulary.
From the time she was a baby,
We knew this little, spunky girl would do great things.
Less than two years ago she was very sick with some sort of virus.
My little go-getter was so sick and in so much pain she could barely walk.
She still managed, even though she could not sleep and was constantly exhausted, strait A's...
Physically, though, she was very weak after months of trying to mend.
Well, last summer she started to feel better,
was regaining her strength, but was far from being 100%.
Logan was in XC, she had really wanted to be as well.
But, it didn't seem realistic to go from not being able to hardly walk to running 4-6 to even 8 miles a day (the girl's mileage is a little lower than the boys).
There is a XC sign up night toward the end of the Summer.
We went for Logan, but Krystin came with.
She asked us to join the team, passionately, as she does.
Summer was nearing it's end, and she had not trained at all.
All the other girls had been practicing with the team for the summer and most for much longer.
But, I could not say NO to this little go-getter.
We talked to the coach, and he was willing to let her try.
Well, she worked hard all last year.
She had a respectable XC season.
However, she was in the average range
(which was pretty awesome to me!)
For Krystin, though, average will never be good enough.
She had a goal.
On the girl's team there are about 110 girls.
The top 20 are invited to
"A Special High Altitude Training with the Coach"
in Mammoth for 5 days during the summer.
She was determined to work as hard as she could and get that invitation this year.
She worked so hard all summer, that I was afraid her legs might pop off.
She probably pushed herself a little too hard, as she ended up with a hurt muscle.
That didn't stop her.
She went to Physical Therapy, and kept working hard.
Cross trained, and didn't skip a beat.
She earned her invitation.
She is currently in Mammoth right now.
She left 6:40am on Weds and will be back Sunday afternoon.
We are so proud of her determination and hard work.
Krystin You are Inspirational!
We are so proud of You!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Denial... My Logan...
Logan is Perfect, really he is...
(Aside from that darn argumentative mouth!
Where does he get that from?)
You wouldn't even know from looking at this guy that he has any health issues.
He runs 8-10 miles a DAY
(13-14 on Saturdays)
He has a resting pulse of 44 beats per minute...
He gets Strait A's without batting an eye in advanced classes.
He's witty, funny, creative, you name it!
Other than, a thin, 3.5 inch horizontal scar on the Rt side of his abdomen,
You would never guess he has any health issues at all...
It would probably be even hard to imagine he has a liver condition,
let alone one that challenged his mortality.
Logan sees a liver specialist usually once a year,
lately every two years.
He started seeing a 'new' liver Dr this year,
first time since we moved back to CA 3 years ago.
first time since we moved back to CA 3 years ago.
Logan's Liver Specialist (out here) had requested that
we have an abdominal US with doppler done, sometime this summer.
We had already done the labs, and they came back great,
but the liver can be a tricky thing and the more information you can get the better.
we have an abdominal US with doppler done, sometime this summer.
We had already done the labs, and they came back great,
but the liver can be a tricky thing and the more information you can get the better.
Months ago we scheduled a follow up appointment for the end of summer,
to discuss the results of the ultrasound.
I had plenty of time to take him to get the US.
Dr said - it is not urgent.
NO PROBLEM, by end of summer.. eons of time!
Well, then I received a reminder phone call last Friday (1 wk ago),
about the follow up appoint that I scheduled for this past Monday,
and it KILLED my Denial again!
Shute, yah, had to reschedule til today...
Remember, I am in DENIAL about Summer EVER Ending ...????
So, amidst HS Registration, Kay's College Classes, PT, and and ....
I had to schedule and actually take Logan to the 'special' Ultrasound place
that is the ONLY place that his doctor trusts, which is about 25-30mins away...
that is the ONLY place that his doctor trusts, which is about 25-30mins away...
I didn't actually get an appt for him til Yesterday, Thurs..
Remember, his follow-up appt was rescheduled for this morning,
yah cutting it a little close...
yah cutting it a little close...
Oh, to make it more fun, Logan needed to fast from midnight the night before as well.
No food. No water, til after the appointment.
appt at 10am, that is late for my early bird.
He did wait patiently to be called back.
He brought a bottle of water to drink immediately after, smart.
and he was kinda cute on the table.
It was nice to have Todd with me, as well.
Even though, he appears healthy, I always worry.
So, having Todd by my side, when I am worrying about the kids is very comforting to me.
The Ultrasound tech was really nice.
She even said that he had BEAUTIFUL innards!
It is good to know he is as cute on the inside as the out!
His Specialist Appointment was this morning.
She is baffled by him.
She said he appears - PERFECT!
Which she keeps telling us defies all LOGIC
and everything she has ever seen,
because with HOW sick he was when he was little,
and his diagnosis, he really shouldn't.
He is a true miracle, we know that.
One that I am thankful for everyday...
His specialist is so confused by him that she wants him to see one of the top specialists in the US (who Logan did see when he was little), to make sure she isn't missing anything, and just in case....
There is always the looming, just in case...
His body is healthy right now, and I am thankful for that.
However, the awareness of how fragile the human body is,
and how close we were to possibly losing him will never, not for a second leave me...
It is always with cautious gratitude that I look at him,
as he is proclaimed perfect.
Throughout his life, he will always have to make his health a primary focus.
He does not have the luxury of taking for granted his health with bad choices that he will redeem later.
He cannot allow himself to become overweight, let alone drink even a sip of alcohol, and has to be cautious with even over the counter medications...
He will always have to be aware of what he puts into his body and treat it with the utmost respect and gratitude.
He will constantly and diligently need to appreciate the miracle that his health is.
Which is a little scary to think about as a Mom.
There are not many people that I know that could meet the challenge that he has in life.
But, he is not like most people.
He is strong, not just physically, which is true.
But, he is a strong PERSON.
He has awareness and appreciation beyond his age.
His mind and zeal for knowledge define him.
He is not distracted by the details, but sees the big picture...
He is one of the few people on this planet that I believe is up for this challenge.
Honestly, he is a constant reminder that each healthy body is a miracle,
and should be treated with gratitude and thanksgiving...
He gives me a greater appreciation and awareness of Life and how truly precious it is...
I am thankful for the blessing that my Logan is...
That I can NOT deny!
This week, I tell ya... PT
So, besides High School Registration...
Kay's new College schedule this week....
Logan and Krystin had Physical therapy
(it is 3x a week and usually lasts at least 1.5 hours)
Poor Kayla, finished her first day of college.
Got out about 3pm and had to go with me and her sibs to PT, which started at 4pm
The PT is right next to Costco, so Kay and I went there for a bit and got some shopping done.
Kayla made a new friend!
What is she learning in her Gender Communication class?
I mean, that bear doesn't even really have a gender, does it?
Then we went to PT and waited for Lo and KC to be fixed up.
Can you see all three?
Look how excited Kay looks!
Logan really gets into his stretches.
Yah... Good times.
Logan and Krystin have a follow up with their Sports MD next week.
I am hoping the Physical Therapy will be cut back a bit when school starts.
There just is not enough time in the day...
I am in Denial - Part 2
Summer is Ending?!
That is just RUDE?!
To really put a damper on my delusion that summer will in fact last forever,
My two remaining high school children had registration this week.
Nothing kills a delusion,
like E-GOBS of Paperwork
a CLASS Schedule...
Now, high school registration is not a quick process.
Usually, takes about 2 hours.
Honestly, it wouldn't be as bad if I could register both kids on the same day.
Of course that is not the case.
Krystin actually had to go through registration on Senior Reg day,
because she was going to be gone for Sophomore day with her XC team....
- Krystin's Registration Day -
Which, happened to be Kay's 1st Day of school as well.
(They unintentionally coordinated outfits)
Krystin is all about school, and was VERY excited.
She was very anxious to find out if she did in fact have the classes she requested.
They actually take school pics during Registration too
Kayla's 1st class didn't start 'til 10:30am,
so she was able to see some friends and hang out.
Kayla did say it was strange going through the High school Reg process right before her first day!
Krystin was pleased with her class schedule:
She did in fact get a Zero Period, which she wanted.
(start time 6:45 am?)
Schedule for next year:
0) Chemistry
1) AP Euro
2) French II
3) Geometry
4) English II Accelerated
5) Drawing/Painting
6) Cross Country
0) Chemistry
1) AP Euro
2) French II
3) Geometry
4) English II Accelerated
5) Drawing/Painting
6) Cross Country
The next day was Logan's Registration Day.
Krystin was practicing with her XC team, while Logan registered.
But, Kayla was able to go through for a second time!
Lucky girl, LOL!
Since, Krystin was going to have a Zero period
We requested Logan have one too...
Luckily, he did get one!
His schedule (as he posted it on FB)
0 Spanish III
1 English III
2 FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @U@!!!!!!!!!
3 Ap American Hist
4 Honors Pre-Calculus
5 Drawing/painting with Krystin Haser :D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D::DD
6 Ap Physics
6 Cross Country ON CONTRACT @0@! xD (if Dollar okay's it :})
1 English III
2 FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @U@!!!!!!!!!
3 Ap American Hist
4 Honors Pre-Calculus
5 Drawing/painting with Krystin Haser :D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D::DD
6 Ap Physics
6 Cross Country ON CONTRACT @0@! xD (if Dollar okay's it :})
Yes, he has AP Physics & XC 6th period.
He has to sign a contract between the teachers to coordinate that one.
Both classes are ONLY offered during that time, and neither class does he want to give up.
and YES, Krystin and Logan are taking an art class together, which they are excited about!
So, my denial about summer lasting forever, is quickly being cured...
to my chagrin.
Well, here's to a Great and Successful school Year,
for all three, even if that means SUMMER is ending! :(
I am in DENIAL!
I am in Denial about a few things...
My focus today...
How can She be going to college?
First Day Kindergarten - 1998
Well, apparently, I have blinked far too many times,
because she did in fact join the adult world this last Monday.
And has officially started writing the next chapter in her life.
More like the next Book in the Series.
The decisions and choices she makes now will shape her future.
What career she will choose?
Who she will date or even marry?
Will she travel or stay local?
So many life changing choices...
The world is now hers.
Wherever she chooses, her life will now follow...
I am excited for this next Book,
as she is a most EXCELLENT author,
and illustrator too really,
so I know,
this adventure will be GREAT, with her at it's lead.
Good luck my baby,
Work hard & Make all Your Dreams come true!
and Remember, all along the way..
Daddy & I love You and are cheering for your success!
1st Day of College - 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Work Hard & Succeed ...
"Work Hard & Succeed!"
Haser Family Theme for the 2011-2012 School Year!
The school year is quickly approaching....
Kayla's first day of college is TOMORROW!
So, even though, Logan and Krystin will not start school until Sept. 7th,
we started our back to school celebration tonight. (:
As a family, we discussed what type of theme we wanted for this year, and everyone agreed that
"Work Hard and Succeed"
was the theme that best represented their desire for this year! Sweet!
Tonight, we celebrated the upcoming school year with a Back To School Dinner Celebration!
I had grand plans of a wonderful Healthy, Tofu, Veggie Stir fry night...
Bun then...
I realized it wouldn't be a party to the teens without Pizza!
We don't normally ever have soda, but tonight, we did.
I mean this was a serious party!
Everyone had their own, 'special' Goal card with their name on it.
(In shiny writing, of course, because it isn't special if it isn't shiny!)
As a family, we discussed what it means to be successful
and how we can work together as a family to be that much more successful!
Success is not just merely Strait A's on a report card (although, that is excellent),
but it is also having character, integrity, being a good person and family member.
As such, we should WORK Hard
to Succeed in all things.
Of course, we needed a theme song.
"This is Your LIFE. Are You who You want to be?"
We also discussed some new organizational techniques that we will be employing in the family.
Like the use of this calendar.
It is much easier to have everyone's agenda in one place.
Including dinners, chores, and events.
Then, of course we had to finish the night with Brownie Sundaes.
Todd and I did make sure to take Kayla to the college this afternoon so she could find all of her classes.
She is now ready for tomorrow!
This last week, as she was getting ready for school, and getting ready for all the new friends she will be making in the upcoming weeks, she MADE a friend to bring with her. (;
Isn't he cute? (look in her arms)
Krystin and Logan have High School registration Monday and Tuesday.
Where did the Summer go?!
Here's to a Great 2011-2012 School Year!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Lazy days of Summer? Not!
So... My head is spinning a little.
A week plus 3 days ago I kissed my LOVE good bye,
as he journeyed to India...
I love this man soo much.
I hate it when he leaves, especially to the other side of the world!
While he was gone.
Life moved forward, as it does.
My runners have been working hard to improve.
Krystin, especially has seriously stepped it up (punny, right?).
Unfortunately, there are consequences to dedication in running...
... Shin Splints, being one...
I took Lo and Kryst to the Sport's Medicine MD.
He checked out Logan.
Logan explained the pain location.
The doctor thoroughly examined him....
Then, he examined Krystin
Yes. They have the SAME injuries.
Doctor said that he hasn't seen siblings with the same exact injuries before.
I swear I am NOT beating them with sticks on their shins at home!
Good News - It is NOT stress fractures.
Bad News - Physical Therapy 3 times a week, ugh.
I tried to spend some individual time with each of my kids.
Krystin was brave and had Sushi with me.
Logan dropped Todd at the airport with me, and we stopped at Disney on the way home and got Sundaes.
Kay spent a morning with me, while we waited for our runners and we had a pastry breakfast.
and some time together...
I love my kids for all their unique qualities, their drive and passion, their talent, creativity, and for being mine...
Todd sent me beautiful flowers, to keep me company in his absence...
Oh, wait and YES the kids did start PT last week.
What did that caption say?
Read it again!
Wait, let me help you.
yes. Logan shaved ONE leg.
He had taped his shin on one leg, and the tape pulled out a bunch of hair.
He decided to remedy that by shaving, but refused to do both...
Krystin wouldn't let me take her pic the first day,
as she was rather upset that they told her to lower her mileage running.
She is soo dedicated!
Oh, and Kayla got her FIRST College Student ID
During the week my sister lost one of her best friends, sad. :(
and my Dad had to move unexpectedly, stress...
The girl's sink in their bathroom decided to not only help me with washing the bathroom floor, but also the cupboard under the sink.
Sweet. Pipe issues. Awesome.
Oh, yes, and my Todd was in INDIA!
It was a long week...
So, after 8 LONG,
and I MEAN LONG days
Todd journeyed home.
His journey home consisted of leaving India just before 10pm Thurs (india time)
Traveling for about 27 hours on three different planes,
to arrive in California 12.5 hours in the past at 1pm Friday (cali time).
Krystin braved the long drive to LAX
and the wait.
Did I mention that I cannot sleep when Todd is gone.
Yah, I was a little loopy and kinda tried to walk into the
DO NOT ENTER (Restricted) area...
Is that why everything was red and roped off, shute!
I was quickly stopped and redirected...
I SO Wish I had a video camera with me...
While we were waiting...
Captain AMERICA appeared!
It was pretty epic.
As people arrived from their foreign destinations
He would shout, "Welcome to America, from Captain America!!!"
I SO Wanted him to greet Todd and get a pic, but alas, he left a few minutes before Todd arrived...
So, Todd came home Friday afternoon.
Very (understandably) jet lagged.
He still had dinner with me a Pedro's.
Really it is a tradition now, how could he not?
Saturday, my Sis was in town.
She flew in a couple days prior to attend her friend's memorial,
and help take care of her things.
So, since she lives in Nashville, and I never get to see her...
We drove the 70+ miles to have lunch with her and my Mom.
Only, Todd and I were both tired and were babbling
and somehow took a shortcut and drove 150 miles, instead of 75...
Yah, don't ask?!
We were safe, that is all that matters, right?
Lighting is off, not sure why.
Camera is POSSESSED, maybe.
We had a nice time visiting, and then journeyed home.
Pretty tired.
With LOTS of traffic....
So, what do you do when there is lots of traffic on the way home?
Go to Disney for a couple of hours, of course.
I mean, just because Todd & Logan had to leave by noon for Logan's XC High altitude training camp on Sunday, and nothing was ready to go, and Todd's clothes were still not washed from India - So What?!
Needless to say, we were up late Saturday night getting everything together and washed.
Sunday morning was a scramble.
Where are Logan's camping backpacks?!
Still don't know....
Todd wanted to bring his bike,
as keeping up with the boys on foot is not really possible.
He didn't think I could get the bike to fit.
(Really need to get a bike rack)
and it fit even with all this stuff
and the entire family.
No, it wasn't comfy, but it worked.
Oh, and my Jeep Still needs a new trani, so there were lots of prayers on the way to the school and back that it would make it!
We even got there a bit early, so happy!
I love to be early!
The 'Men' even were able to pick their seats first!
Todd is HOME,
Not really...
and Life continues.
The girl's and I went to a movie.
and brought these instead of popcorn
Today, Monday, was a bit crazy.
Really, it was....
For some reason, I must not like to pay the water bill.
Why that is, I don't know.
It is like the CHEAPEST bill we have.
Yet, it seems almost every month I get a personalized phone call reminding me to pay it?!
I had to drop off a payment by 8am, they open at 730.
Krystin has to be at practice by 8am, so we had to leave early.
Seriously, why can I NOT pay that bill?!
I paid it, dropped off Krystin...
I quickly ran home, grabbed Kay.
Went to Target.
Went to Pharmacy...
Picked up Krystin from practice by 10am (she was limping...)
Luckily, Physical Therapy was next on the list of to do's...
so.. Krystin went to Physical Therapy
They worked on her for about an hour
and then she tried out the 'Anti-gravity' Treadmill
PT recommends no 'outdoor' running this week.
Biking is ok, anti gravity treadmill is ok.
Krystin is NOT happy.
But, hopefully, she will mend and be well.
Then to Kayla's college to get books (long line).
Feed the kids lunch, finally (it is now 2pm)
come home...
Dog's got into the trash, some how, while we were gone?
Ate stuff they shouldn't have.
Spicey beef jerky remnants and dogs do NOT mix, btw..
They got sick just inside the dark hallway door to the house...
I stepped in IT!
Oh, yes I did...
(should have taken a pic, but I will spare you)
Thanks pups.
Don't let their innocent looks fool you.
How many monkeys and bones do you need in a three foot space?
The best part is they drag all of their 'toys and bones' right in front of the fan and sit their playing with them, while the fan blows through their furr...
Well, I am hoping Tuesday is a little nicer than today.
I am tired.
Todd and Logan get back on Thursday.
I can't WAIT! :(
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