On a Happier note, this week in review:
Logan & Krystin had another awesome meet!
Even if we had to get up at 4:30am to get the kids to the busses BEFORE THE sun was even thinking about rising!
Logan set a NEW PR (personal record)
16 mins 46 sec for 3 miles (with hills!)
won a medal!
Krystin had a rough week, with muscle issues, and still did awesome!
She was going so fast I only caught her as she went passed.
Oh, and as a btw the girl sharing her stride (next to her) is a good friend of hers from a competing school. It was so cute the finished together! What a neat sport where your competition is also your support!
This past week at school, they had dress-up fun days!
Logan was the only one that dressed up for "NERD" Day.
He makes an awefully cute nerd, ha haa!
(Or triplet day, depends on how you look at it)
Logan wasn't about to wear a black dress and jean jacket though.
After the race Saturday, remember the 4:30am Saturday morning, we were all tired...
We didn't get home until close to 3pm,
but there was a Church Halloween Dance
and how could they miss that?!
So, of course they went to the dance.
They were supposed to wear Black & Orange
(or a Halloween Costume, haven't gotten those yet, so...)
Krystin invited her goodfriend to come also! Everyone had a Blast!
Now, we all need another two days to recoup and get caught up on everything, but alas Monday morning is quickly on it's way!
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