Monday, December 29, 2008

MY Kids are in AZ!!! ):

Yes, I have succumb to the pressure... I let my precious, little people, whom I adore to no end leave me and go to Arizona for a couple of days. I am sure they will have a fabulous time with my Dad as the gallivant from friend to friend's house, go shopping, and eat delicious food, all the while I sit here heart broken that my babies are not by my side... Ok, is that too much??? Well, I do miss them, and hate it when they leave! Hopefully, Todd and I will be able to head out there later this week to get them back!!!
Logan with my Dad (doesn't my Dad just look smug?)

Kayla and Krystin getting ready for the long hall.


We did have some fun this weekend too. We were able to see a bunch of old friends from high school that we haven't seen forever!!! It was really neat to be able to see all of their adorable children too.

Jason and Todd
... and we were able to Stop by my Mom's house and have a mini Christmas with her too! Thank you Mom for the T.O. Meat Locker - soooo YUMMY!

Talk about genetics - on the Left we have my Mom's foot, on the right my Krystins
Almost a perfect match?!
... and we even had the opportunity (we being Kayla and me) to work on Chemistry! YAY

Who knew science could be so sweet.

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