Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Tree and treats

Tis the Season!!! Honestly, after moving, I had NOOOO motivation to go through boxes in the garage and gather the Christmas stuff. Really. The last thing I wanted to see is another box. Besides the fact, in the last 6 months our boxes have become the foundation for various spider communities... At least that is what I am sure is the case, with the webs that I have witnessed... Yikes. Why would I want to deal with that???
However, realizing that I might permanently damage my children's psyche by not properly preparing the house with the Christmas 'feel' - I decided to brave the garage, with some help from Logan! We found a few of the Christmas boxes, not all, but I a few is sooo much more than none! I don't think Logan will volunteer to help me again though, as I couldn't seem to help yelling every few seconds about the spider I was sure was crawling on him or me... oooppsss... Didn't actually see a spider btw.... Ultimately though, we had some Christmas decorations - YAY!!!
Next Dilemma, well we needed a tree....
I have this, ever so slight allergy to pine trees. Didn't realize until a few years ago, Todd pointed out that I was always extremely ill around Christmas, well and there is the fact that if I touch pine I get hives... hmn... Todd, being the brilliant man that he is, put two and two together and said no more real trees for me... Problem is I LOVE REAL CHRISTMAS TREES!!! He is right though, since we have had our 'really not a real tree' I haven't been sick...
This year, I thought I had him convinced to let me get a real tree. I tried to convince him that I had 'outgrown' that silly pine allergy... I almost had him. He was ready to consider getting me a real tree! The only catch - he said I had to wait to get the tree until the 15th (limit the exposure maybe)... I graciously agreed. By the 15th I was a bit tree hungry. I really wanted my tree, the excitement was killing me!!!
Well, Monday the 15th rolls around and guess what???? IT is POURING rain. I am not talking about just some rain but POURING sheets of water (well it seemed like that really)!!! I conceded to wait 'til Tuesday for the tree. I was sure the rain would let up... MORE RAIN. By now, our clearly fragile children's psyche's were riding in the balance of not having a tree, so I agree to get a cheapy fake one. Why make an investment on a 'decent' one if I clearly have gotten past my allergy and will surely get a real tree next year.
I had the opportunity to learn another life lesson...

The Christmas Tree... Yes, it is standing horizontally. You Get what you pay for! It was late at night when we finally brought it home, so we just through some lights on it and were going to let the kids decorate in the morning. It didn't make it 'til morning. It was a dead tree laying on the floor... Well, as dead as a not-really-real tree can be... Two of the four feet magically broke off during the night... Tragic really.

Angel was shocked and horrified to see such a travesty!

Needless to say, we had to return our little cheapy tree, and since it was still pouring rain on Weds, bought another 'nicer' wanna-be-tree... She is a cute tree, but I have to get some pine candles or something to really set the stage for her.

Tonight the children decorated the tree... See those smiling faces (clearly preserved psyches, a worthy investment).

Exhausted from all that reaching and the ample amount of creative energy expended.
So, what were Mommy and Daddy doing while kids were cooperatively placing the ornaments ever so carefully????

Mommy was making treats - OF COURSE...

and Daddy was taking a break from his computer to play some Ravid Rabbit game or something. FUNNY!!!

Can you believe it? A week later and my flowers look even Better!!! I LOVE Flowers!!!

Thanks again Dad!
Merry Christmas, and may your trees remain standing upright!

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