Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Break Fun

Well, the December break is officially here! For our children, that means even more time to see friends and have fun. We LOVE having our children's friends over!!! They are always great! Krystin had three friends over Tuesday-night, and Logan was overjoyed to be able to leave and go to his good friend Alex's house for the day!

They Look Sweet and innocent, don't they?? (Krystin with two or her friends)...


I caught them in action!!


I just followed the sounds of giggles and found them having too much fun in Krystin's room. LOL!!!


Christmas Eve every year we let the kids open ONE present, and it is ... usually jammies! Ok, it is really for me. I think there is nothing cuter than kids in new jammies on Christmas morning. They humor me and act excited and of course rush and put them on! Such wonderful children!


Kids in their new jams. Aaawww, how cute!


My Dad was able to make the journey from Arizona to be with us for Christmas. He arrived on Christmas Eve, and I believe the children have mistaken him for Santa (for good reason!). :p

My Dad is so sweet. Eventhough, he was going to actually come to my house on Christmas Eve he had Not ONE, but TWO Candy cane Rose plants sent to our house, along with a box of fun and yummy treats (on Monday and Tuesday before he arrived). Thank you Dad!


Our Children have NEVER really been morning people. Actually, no one in the house really is. Ok, with the exception of Logan. He for some reason has always been the one to get up bright and early and showered before everyone, but lately even HE has been sleeping in... However, on Christmas, usually the children find the energy to wake up extra early and make sure we know how eager they are for us to join them. Of course, this is usually following an evening where Todd and I are up extra late you know feeding the reindeer and making sure Santa's cookies and milk are fresh... However, this year I got up and was showered and looked at the clock it was 8:30am and no sign of children... It was actually kinda fun to go and WAKE them up on Christmas morning. HEE HEE HEE...

Sleepy-heads opening stockings with The Bub

Smiley sleepy teen (always a nice sight early in the morning)

Present time... Bub, Logan and Krystin

Honey, enjoying one of the many new outfits Bubby bought her.

Daddy and Kay looking cute

Mommy and Indy opening presents. "Indy what did Santa bring you? Is that a rooster?"
After we opened presents, played a many games, relaxed, made messes, cleaned messes, ate yummy food, and far too many sweets - we went and saw The Curious case of Benjamin Button. We really enjoyed the movie. I recommend it, and not JUST because Brad Pitt looks extra fine in it either, really!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you from Me- and the rest of the gang!

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