Birthday Flowers - Thank you DAD!
Ok... So, I am now
35 years old. What exactly does that mean to me? I have been thinking about this a bit. With age, comes wisdom, right? Well, I am not sure about that, but here is what I have learned in my mere three and a half decades on this planet...
First and foremost - Anything that is meaningful takes effort. Seriously, complacency has no place in accomplishments in life. This covers every area, work, school, church, children and marriage. To be truly successful and happy you must constantly be seeking to grow and learn and actively be proactive in your choices...
I have learned that there is GREAT joy to be found in being a parent, as well as challenges.
I have learned that life is much better when you share it with a partner you love and enjoy being around.
I have learned to try and not take life so seriously.
I have learned that each day brings new opportunities...
I have learned there is much more to learn and to do, and I look forward to most of it!
Ok, here's a brief summary of my bday weekend in pics. I wasn't feeling super great, some sort of sinus thing-a-majiggy, but still had a lot of fun!
Kayla had a friend sleep-over Friday night (why do they call it a sleep-over always perplexes me), and all three of my kids had fun hanging with Kayla's friend and playing games... Who knows when they went to sleep. So, Saturday morning, since all the kids were still out to the world - Todd and I went out and enjoyed a rather romantic Birthday Breakfast. We were nice and brought the kids home McDonald's (although at 10am they still didn't want to get up)... Teens...
We opened presents after breakfast.

Indy was very excited about my birthday too and decided to help me unwrap!

Look at Indy Go!!! She was so excited!
"Sorry Ind, Logan gave the itune gift card to Mommy. Well, I guess you can have it back after Mommy gets the magic numbers off the back. " (o;
For part of my birthday present from Todd, he took me shopping at the mall. Todd HATES shopping and really hates shopping at the mall, so it was rather generous of him! Thanks Babe, I had fun!

Krystin had a performance that night Sing Noel, it was wonderful.
Then at 8:30pm, we went to the Claim Jumper for dinner. YUMMY!!!

Mommy and Kayla-love

Ok, close-up on the treat. It was a rather delightful blend of smooth vanilla ice cream, mixed with buttery bits of Oreo crust, chunks of Oreo and rather delicious whipped cream covered with shaved almonds... mmmm

Logan, Krystin and Dadddiooo at dinner
After dinner, because who NEEDS sleep anyway, we caught a 10:30pm showing of Four Christmases... The joys of having teens and knowing they won't get whiny if we keep them up late! HEE HEE HEE...
It was a great day!
Because you know I can't really resist: Bonus Pic....
Remember, Honey claiming all the beds? Well, apparently, Christmas decorations look like beds too!

Honey! Get off of the end table! :p