Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day - 2013

Happy Father's Day to the men in my life!

I totally miss our Chevy's Birthday celebrations.

My Papa- 
Whom I miss him every day! 
He was and still is an example of what it means to be a great & selfless man.
He has taught me many things, but most importantly what it means to love without limits. 
(With my Dad and Auntie Karen)

With the babies!  Can you just feel the love?

 Giving Logan a  birthday bike! So sweet.

With my Dad.  Hmn, those dimples on my Papa look familiar.

My Dad- 
I miss him too, but in a different way, thankfully!
He taught me how much fun life can be and to not worry so much about all the details.
Live in the moment!  A truly precious gift!
He has also shared with the children the magic that can be found in life...

The father of my babies - Todd-
I love this man.  
I am grateful that the children have such a talented, passionate man as their Daddy.
I love that he works hard to provide an enriching life in which we can grow as individuals, and closer together as a family.    I love to see talents he possess shine through in our children too.
Todd - I miss when the kids were little and you would play with them on the floor.
Helicopter made me laugh as much as it made them!
Too cute!
Todd - How did our little ones get so big?

Jai  (My Mom's hubby)-
We all love Jai!  He has loved the kids (and us), as we have loved him over the years.
The kids can hardly remember a life without Jai. 
What a wonderful example of excellence he has been for the children.  
They love him and cherish their time with him.  

Also thinking of  Todd's Dad, David

Great-Grampa Pai (Todd's Grampa, we miss him)...

My Mom's Dad, Grampa Tully (Sweet man)

I can see a little of his eyes in Logan.

Chris (My sister's Dad that I grew up with).  

Here is to all the men, whether they are fathers or not that make an effort to have a positive influence in the life of a child.  Happy Father's Day to you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A beautiful heartfelt blog. Thanks for this Honey. I love you, Dad
