Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Todd is in Philly

I had 5 weeks with Todd 24/7 (yes, including the 2 weeks in Hong Kong).  I was VERY spoiled.  I really like having him home all the time.   Yes, I am totally addicted.  He is my shield against the storms of life, and when he is gone I feel a bit sad and a little naked!  

Well, before he left we took the kids to Disneyland with us, for one last celebration of our time with him.  It looks as though the chaos, that is his job will continue.  This week he is in Philly.  Next week, no clue.  Two weeks India.  Third week, he is going with Logan to XC Country camp, YAY!  Should be interesting.

Happy Disney Memory.

Yah, we had ice cream for dinner.

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