Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hmn, ever just wonder why?

The question that just could drive you insane.

Why do things that 'shouldn't' happen, happen?

Well, just because LIFE happens...
Simple as that.

 I know life is all about  - Perspective -
How you choose to view each day.
and Yes, most days, 
I choose to "Look on the bright side"

Sometimes I wonder...
Why do I choose this?
Well, because what fun would life be to wallow?
You get each day only once, right?!
and each day is a gift, true...
(ask anyone that had theirs cut short)
Still sometimes, I just don't feel like appreciating it.
I know that is wrong.

Because, for each stupid annoying thing that life seemingly deals out,
there are COUNTLESS wonderful things also.

What is leading me to this little soap box?
Well, sometimes it just seems everything is screwy
Just to name one thorn in my side currently is our cars.
I am missing car payments.  No, not really.
When it comes time to get my cars registered and smogged, 
I don't even think twice.
I don't WANT to do it, but...
 it is an easy, albeit inconvenient to do on my list.
I SWEAR, anytime that thought crosses my mind.
You know the 'smogging is easy, no problem' type of thought.
The universe needs to remind me how untrue  and unpredictable life is.
Let's just say 6 months of dealing with unknown reasons our car would not pass smog.
We spent way too much money to try and get the car smogged.
Our mechanic, who we trust, was baffled.
Replaced sensors, should be fine. NOPE
Took it to the dealer, through gritted teeth...
They too were baffled!
They even called Detroit.
Really?  For a SMOG
 (emissions were fine, btw, just a sensor that wouldn't reset)...
The dealer finally said that it probably needed a NEW BRAIN.
What the HECK?!
Shouldn't the brain of a vehicle last for its' life?
I mean in anything else, brain death means total DEATH!
The car is only 6 years old, and it is brain dead?! 
No way.
Well, after all the other money we had spent on trying to get this simple thing like smog done, we didn't have the 1000 dollars to get it a new brain.  
So, we decided we would just let it fail smog and apply for an extension for 2 months, and deal with it then.
After all, the registration was expired.
Well, and we were to leave for Hong Kong in 1 day, and 
Oh, did I mention?
My Jeeps transmission decided to go CAPOOEY
So, the only car that could be driven, couldn't.
Talk about frustrating
Anyhow, Todd takes the car to fail the smog, 
so it could at least  be driven  legally and the darn thing PASSES!
The mechanic about fell over. 
We had tried to get it to pass I lost count how many times.
a DOZEN at least.

Lately, it seems like lots of 'that' has been going on.
Nothing life changing, just constantly frustrating.  

Now back to Perspective...

While lately, some days I am kind of like -
"Really life, really?!"
I try and keep this in mind.
My children are healthy and happy.
I would take a MILLION annoying, really make me mad, frustrated, 
pull out my hair kind of days over worry about their health or happiness.

I love my Husband,
and better yet He loves me too.
There is no greater joy than a partner in life that you adore to share life with. 
(which does lend to one of my other frustrations, his travel, not getting into that now, focusing on bright side, remember)


At the end of the day 
You have to count your blessings, whatever they may be,
and not let stress steal the joy that IS in your life.

I mean - we LIVE in the USA!
We have freedom!
We have a beautiful amazing, diverse country!
We can drink our water!
and lets not forget...
We have FLUSH Toilets, with toilet paper, and in CA usually even toilet seat covers.
Totally, SPOILED!

and if all else fails.

I like to watch this clip, because it, well, puts things in perspective!

Here's to looking on the bright side.

(Really universe, Don't get me wrong.  I do like 'good' surprises too!)

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