Hello viewers of Haser Happenings!
I will be one of your guest hosts tonight and will be taking you on a brief tour, or summary, or what the Haser Kids have been up to thus far in the absence of their awesome and fun parents.
Whom they love very much :D
The three children are working as a team to feed the animals, decide on what they should eat, and keep the house in a clean and tidy order. They even have a method of cleaning dishes as soon as they are put into the sink to prevent build-up and to keep things manageable.
The siblings share certain passions, and this is most evident in the bondings of the two sisters Kayla and Krystin. They have been observed upstairs writing stories and watching animes together, and even eating cottege cheese together over these past days of their spring break.
As for their only brother, Logan (who just so happens to be writing this post), he has been known to hang out in his room reading books and going online on facebook.
It is evident that all three Haser Children love reading and writing and have a knack for creativity. However, it is also evident that they have a soft spot for sweets and salty things.
Their mother stocked up the house with the most delicious things before she left for Hong Kong, and alas, it has been the bane of our sweet and salty tooth(s).
On the Thursday before the break officially began, Logan and Kayla stayed home to watch and care for the pets,. Krystin went to school, picked up by her friend "ster" stephanie, and during school and extending beyond schools time schedule she competed in a track meet that was Capo Valley versus Aliso Niguel.
Krystin went on to kick butt despite the grueling heat and even a bloody nose, for nothing stops this speed demon when she sets her mind to do something, and these are the results of her races in her own words:
"Today's Super Hot Meet:
400 meter dash - 1st place with 65 (worst time ever)
200 meter dash - 3rd place with 28.1 (PR!)
4x400 meter relay - 2nd place with 4:36 (almost first, I caught up to the person on the last one hundred, but it was a millisecond or two difference)
Great job everyone! Awesome meet!" ~Krystin Haser on March 31st 8:02 P.M.
As you can see, Krystin is an integral part of her track team and greatly boosts the teams scores against the other schools. And for the 4x400 relay, she was fifty meters behind the other girl at the bend, and then with only one hundred meters left to go she caught up to the girl and almost beat her. Krystin, you did amazingly awesome and kicked butt!! :D
Saturday night the Haser Kids decided to order scrumptious Round Table Pizzas, two mediums one pepperoni and one black olive, and they did eat and enjoy those tasty confections.
As far as I know, and remember, Logan has been cleaning his room and trying to keep it clean these past days and has been reading a ton of self-help material and things of that nature.
And he has been trying to cross train on his bike due to injuries and run when he can.
He has also been working on his upper body muscles as well. For the ladies I assure you ;D
On Sunday the Haser Kids had a wonderful visit from their fabulous Grandma, who drove a loong way to come out to see them. Together, they went off to the movies to see "Limitless", with Robert Di Nero in it, and their kind and loving Grandma bought them snacks to enjoy in the movie theater.
After the movie they went home and said their good byes to their Grandma.
But before that, whilst still in her car, they remembered that their Mother had asked them to call her stepfather and wish him a happy birthday because she could not as she was in Hong Kong and could not call or text anyone. Their Grandma knew his number and they called him to wish him a happy birthday. And then a pick elephant fell out of he sky and crushed the neighbors car. And since he did not answer his home phone they left him a happy birthday message and then tried his cell. He did not answer his cell, so Grandma left a short message saying something along the lines "the hasers want you to check the message on your home phone"
And after that, yes then, they said their good byes and their Grandma drove off to go home because of her busy schedule and work. Here are some piccies of the occasion. :D
Here is grandma with the girlies

Here is the Haser Kids themselves
Here is a silly piccy of them, (the silly pic of them with grandma is at the top of this whole post)
Here is them with all in one pic with Grandma

And here is when they said their final good byes

After she left, Logan Haser ate some pizza, the Girls went upstairs and all three of them sat in their Mothers bed and watched episodes of Naruto on Krystin's computer. Logan watched for a while and then decided to leave due to the discomfort the bed was causing his back.
Logan then decided to go for a run, to keep his muscles from disappearing, and for fun.
He checked with his sisters, krystin had her phone if he needed to call her and it was not on silent. He ran for thirty mins, came back, ate a protein bar, wrestled with a gnarly eye lash in his eye, and then took a shower. As the night dwindled to an end, he did core, learned that both his sisters had been doing core before (and most likely after) he started his work-out.
Logan then proceeded to brush his teeths and to get ready for bed, went upstairs said good night to his sisters, and then went back downstairs to write this blogpost. The sisters of Logan are at this time, 1:11 a.m. sleeping, and were thus an hour or two ago. They have a plan to wake up and go to the track tomorrow morning. All three are planning to go together.
Sorry for the formal, documentative , nature of this post! @o@
It was noted that the author felt a bit awkward writing a post on someone elses blog and began to write in a manner that separated the author from his writings on himself.
I now go to sleep and will continue with this post MAnana :D
Hello, this post, which is gigantic, is continued riiiight now :)
This is 5:36 in the evening and I am finishing up the post here.
Today the Haser Kids went to the track around 12:46, taking a trail to get to the Trabuco High School track, and arrived there shortly after leaving.
Logan used the restroom while the Krystin did two warm-up laps around the track, and when he got out he noticed that there were hords of what looked like P.E. students running on the track.
Could it be that Trabuco is in session right now? He thought confused.
He quickly shuffled towards his sisters to ask them about it and to decide if they had to get ready to leave, when suddenly a proctor came up to them on her golf cart.
She was chewing gum and looked at the three children disdainfully.
Logan asked her if Trabuco was in session and she responded by badgering them, asking what school they went to and telling them that that was where they should be.
Did they not notice the cars in the parking lot?! Are you a bunch of freshmen?!
Both were highly retorical and said in a condescending degrading manner and tone.
After apologizing multiple times the Haser Kids tried to explain that they had not come by car, were on spring break, and that capo was very far away and that they did not know Trabuco was in session. Unfortunately for them the proctor had not vented her malicious intentions enough yet.
She said to them, "Don't play dumb with me."
Upon this they all immediately wanted to leave and after apologizing once more they left for home feeling like they had just been chewed up and spit on the sidewalk.
The rest of the day thus far has been better, with the three siblings watching episodes of "House" in the tv room and with Lilly, our cute pomeranian friend, vomiting all over the place.
Now that this whale of a post is complete, thank you for reading! :D
I hope the random comment a while up entertained you and did not detract from the surrounding sentences too much ;)
I hope I can post again, and this next time more personal and with more flare.
Sincerely, with love,
~Logan Drew Haser
Kayla and Krystin watching episodes of house together! :D
And yes, they were working out their upper bods on those yoga mats!
Way to go girls!! :D
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