I pull up to our house and find Lily in the street in front of our house!!!
Logan and Kayla were home, mind you... I stop dead in my tracks, well in my car afraid that Honey my be right behind her and run under my tires. Opened my car door and Lily preformed some sort of Ninja flying dog move and jumped into my lap, and in my Jeep that is no small feet for a 7lb doggy. Instantly, I fear the worst, but hope for the best.
Please let Honey be in the house.
I mean it is bad enough Lily is OUT FRONT, as she chewed through her harness and has NO I.D. on. She is scheduled to get her microchip on Weds! GRR!
Honey does have a microchip and a harness with ID, but
She is sooo tiny she could be hit by a car, eaten by neighborhood dogs
and the stories of coyotes running up and down our streets eating small dogs are everywhere.
Logan comes running out of the house, in his towel, confirming my fear Honey was gone.
Apparently, he let the dogs out before his shower and figured Kayla would let them back in...
Except, the poochies had other plans.
Keep in mind, that I have told the children they are NEVER to leave the dogs alone in the yard. I have a slight phobia of something happening to them.
Well, after 10 minutes of screaming "Honey!" like a mad woman, while the kids were running the neighborhood armed with treats looking for our Honey.
I said a prayer, at Kayla's suggestion.
...and instantly.... I had a feeling where Honey might be.
I ran to the backyard, still calling my precious, beloved, baby dog...
ran to the back fence and looked over...

and what did I see?
A tiny little blot of orange fur running to the spot directly below me on the street.
Just staring up at me happily from the street below!
Thank God - my HONEY!!!
Now, getting her? The hill is a decent size hill and covered in scary weird bushes (which are full of black widows and other creepy things I am sure). Oh and I was wearing a skirt, but Honey was too afraid (or smart) to traverse up the hill, so I hopped the fence and quickly hiked down the hill, yes in my skirt...
Oh how grateful I am that my pups are safe!!!!
And that i didn't get BIT by anything in the bushes.
So, the next question...
How did they escape?
1st of two fences on side of house

hmn? How?!
I asked the dogs to show me how they got out.
They are discussing whether or not they should show me.
They are discussing whether or not they should show me.

Still thinking about it...
I decided to up the anti and went to the other side of the fence.
Ah -ha!

I had NO idea she could fit under the fence.
It is about 2 1/2-3 inches from the ground.

Silly little dogs.
Todd said they were probably just looking for me.
I mean really, what was I thinking going Bye-bye without them!
Todd said they were probably just looking for me.
I mean really, what was I thinking going Bye-bye without them!
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