Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Spiritual Enlightenment.

My children have youth group activities through Church every Wednesday evening. Their leaders are truly awesome! They try to come up with fun, interactive ideas that the kids will enjoy! Tonight, Todd and I had the pleasure of being able to participate in their latest and greatest activity...

The activity - A scripture scavenger hunt at the mall! Seriously, what teen doesn't love going to the MALL. Even teen boys secretly love going to the mall, I know it is true! (Well, that is where the teen girls are). The object was to utilize certain clues to find certain hidden adults in various stores in the mall - you know to collect more clues and solve the secret, spiritual message... Hey, I never found out what the secret message was! hmn... ???

Ok... I LOVE this idea - what better way to instill in them a love of scriptures and to see what a great tool they can be to find your way in life... Anyhow, it was a great time!

What store did I get assigned, you might ask??? Oh the one I could definitely spend an hour shopping in, NOT - the MATERNITY STORE!!!

and... I know you are curious about where Todd was - The Mattress Store! LOL! Surprised he was awake when I went to find him after.

My kids ended up in the same group. I think Krystin pulled some strings.

Eric Peel and Todd waiting for the last couple groups to come...

Me smirking, because all the groups found me first!


Cherylann and Mike said...

That sounds like fun. So what did the store employees think of it all? :)

TamaraLove said...

Cherylann -
It was actually kind of funny. I walked in to the store and a store employee runs over to me. Looks me up and down, apparently assessing whether I 'belong' in her store and asked if she could help me. I almost started to laugh. I said, well not really and explained what we were doing. She said no problem - I could hang out in the store! (: Yay!

Cherylann and Mike said...

That is hilarous that she gave you the once over and then asked. Now if that happens to me, I won't feel bad. :)
