Monday, January 12, 2009

Sometimes, We Just NEED a Reminder...

The end of a semester is always a stressful time, especially as the children have advanced in their academic progression... Multiple Science Labs to do, Finals, projects, and all by a deadline... For some reason, I believed that if we were 'home schooling' it wouldn't be quite as stressful, nope - it still is. Crunch time is crunch time!

So, rather than succumbing to the mounting tension of the moment, I decided we need a reminder. A reminder of what you might ask???

A reminder that:

The beach is 20 minutes away

That the day is beautiful at 85 degrees, in January, with Santa Ana winds a-blowing

That there is a reason to be motivated to accomplish and succeed
and, ok that we need to take a break, even for a short time to have FUN!

A reminder that I LOVE MY CHILDREN!!!


Cherylann and Mike said...

What a nice reminder! Love your pictures. Nice for keeping it real with the homeschool. Still a lot of work, but you have them with you! Thinkin' here... :)

Mike, Chelsea and Co. said...

We love reading your postings and seeing how your family is doing. Congratulations on doing homeschooling. We loved doing it too. Miss you guys.
