We had a great time with our Halloween party. The kids had friends over. It is amazing the amount of sugar that can be consumed in a four hour period by teens!

Krystin and friends (this was the last normal picture my camera took)
Todd and Tammy (phone pic)
For Kayla's 15th birthday she wanted to see the Foo Fighter's in concert. They aren't really on tour right now, but they had a special engagement at 'bike week', so we went. I have NEVER seen so many Harley's in my LIFE!
The kids have transitioned well into their 'virtual' learning program. They seem to really enjoy it, so far. They truly are amazing kids. It is fun to be able to work with them.

At lunch time we go for a walk to a local park, enjoy the fresh air and read scriptures. It is fun. While we miss Arizona, California is sure beautiful...
The kids really enjoyed being a part of the political process with the recent elections. We had the children watch as the votes were tallied across the country.... and as the results came in we had a chance to discuss how the electoral college works, etc... They were enthralled by the process. They even stayed up and watched as McCain gave a very generous Concession speech, and for Obama's very inspiring acceptance speech. After Obama spoke, Kayla told us that hearing his speech made her proud to be an American. What a wonderful impression for a teenager to have from her new President to be. I am hopeful that Obama will continue to capture the youth our nation's attention and inspire them to be aware of politics and actively involved. There is MUCH work to be done in our country, may we all work together to bring our country out of the storms of darkness and into the light.
Last weekend, we took a short trip to AZ for Easter Pageant auditions. Mind you we had three teen size kids, a pint sized Honey and two birds in separate travel cages (along with all of our luggage) in my Jeep. I couldn't leave my bird babies! Everyone was excellent in the car ride. I was very impressed. It was sooo much fun! We stayed at my Dad's house (thanks Dad). The fam auditioned on Friday evening, and then the kids were free to go and spend time with Grandpa and socialize with very missed friends. Todd and I stayed and helped with auditions Friday night and Sat morning, while my Dad so generously drove the kids all around picking up friends and having fun. There is never enough time to see everyone and do everything that you want to when you visit out of state, so we are going to have to come back soon..... :( We had to leave early on Sunday Morning, because we couldn't fit Angel (our 95lb malamute or our green cheeks in the car). We were very fortunate to have Matt (a teen from church) and his sister darling sister Lauren take excellent care of them Friday and Saturday. Aunt Jamie spent the night Saturday and stayed with Angel until we arrived home on Sunday! Thank you guys! Angel was in 7th heaven... (o:
Ok, now back to reality... Love to everyone.
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