We have had a fun last couple of weeks. We are still adjusting to the new schedule, but it is going pretty well so far. The Saturday before last our Ward at Church had a Corn Roast on the beach. So beautiful!!! The weather was perfect and it was a blast.

Kids from church having a great time on the shore...

The night before the beach thing, the boys went to a scout campout... So, of course the girls and I had to have some fun to! We went to the movies it was awesome!

The kids had 2 field trips last week through their new online school. The first was to the pumpkin patch. It was a bit warm, but we still fun. Krystin was excited to make a new friend. The second field trip was to meet some teachers and students. It was at a Round Table Pizza about an hour from our house. It was fun to meet the teachers in real life and Grama Dian met us there too!

The kids had a fun Halloween Dance tonight too! My kids are so funny they always coordinate their costumes. I told them to look intimidating forthis pic. Logan my kid who usually makes goofy faces, smiled. Go figure! Aren't they so cute?!
THose are some great looking pirates! SO fun, Tamara!
Went to your old hood for Halloween :) Sat in front of your house while the kids trick or treated :)
Luv Steve
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