Thursday, November 4, 2010

Love & Tribute - Spanish style...

First, let me say this -
 All three of my kids are studying DIFFERENT foreign languages.
Kayla - Japanese
Logan - Spanish
Krystin - French
That being said, each child has  their own 'unique' requirements and projects related to the culture from which their language originates, which is actually pretty neat.  It also means that all three kids get a little heightened exposure to varied cultural traditions, which is quite cool.

 Logan's Spanish class
this past week was celebrating
Día de los Muertos

Each student was assigned to make a "Tomb"
for someone they loved that passed away.
The more creative, the better.
and of course in Spanish.

Logan chose to make one on 
My Grandpa, his Great Grandpa.

He was supposed to include three traits about him.

When I asked him what he remembered most...
He remembered his love, kindness,  boots and belt buckles (and more)...
Other things as well, but he decided we should make the tomb "Western"
So, Logan drew up blue prints of what he wanted to the tomb to look like,
and we got to work cutting shoe boxes, taping, gluing, and painting...

I think it came out pretty darn cute!!!

Logan what a beautiful tribute to Papa!
He would have been very proud of you!!!

Of course the horse had to have blue eyes like Papa!

 A little dedication inside, with other symbolic objects.

Logan in class with project.
They were supposed to bring a food item that the deceased enjoyed.
Logan opted for Pizza.

Great Job Logan!!!

On a side note:  Today is LEAGUE FINALS in Cross Country!!!  Good Luck Krystin and Logan!!!

Bonus:  Doggies love their daddy

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