I have really been trying to promote
healthier eating in the Haser household, much to the dismay of everyone else.
I don't know what their problem is??? What is wrong with veggie stir-fry with Tofu and rice??? or... Wholegrain pasta? I mean I am not being extreme, we had good ole unhealthy garlic bread with it... How about Wholegrain waffles covered with fresh strawberries and bananas? How can they not like that? Actually, despite the monumental amount of griping that went on, something about why ruin a waffle by making it healthy and the such, everyone actually enjoyed it! It was Delish - I highly recommend it. I, also, make them smoothies all the time too. Their current favorite is Strawberry, banana, with blueberry. I make my smoothies with lowfat vanilla yogurt and soy milk! Kids love them! The best part is - you can freeze the left overs for a healthy snack later! I freeze them in plastic cups, so the kids can just grab one when they want a snack. (:
Logan, being Logan, decided he thought he should be a poster child for eating healthy and had me take a pic of him with his 'healthy snack of choice'... (: Do you like his hair? I love having a teen boy, they humor you. I put his hair in a pony on top of his head and it made me laugh. Ok, I am easily entertained, but he just went with it! Gotta love Logan.
- I didn't know how radical I was being, until Kayla's 16 year old friend Zach was over this past weekend and I offered him an Organic Chocolate Soymilk. His response was on the line of "What is wrong with you people?" I decided maybe we shouldn't have Tofu, stirfry night with Zach. If the Soymilk was traumatizing I can't imagine what Tofu would do to the poor kid. I actually thought that Chocolate soy milk was a treat, go figure.
The dogs weren't off free and clear either. After Christmas, apparently we had too many exciting treats and both dogs decided to go on a 'food fast, I only want to eat treat' diet. I told the kids only one treat a day (rather than one treat every thirty seconds). I know they are cute, but seriously.

Angel was less than happy with the news...

While Honey did protest, she finally gave in...
but would only eat food from Angel's bowl, such a rebel.
Ok, HOW FRICKEN Cute is my husband??? No seriously!
I have been having SERIOUS HUSBAND withdrawals lately. He has just been working around the clock, and while he is home in the evenings (usually) and on the weekends this is what I see:
He is such a hard worker! I love HIM!
and I miss him...
Knowing that I have been missing him, he ever so graciously offered to stay with me at Church on Sunday in the Nursery (I was asked to teach Nursery). I do believe that it is one of Todd's least favorite places to be (so he says) - he calls it the dungeon or something. I think he puts on an act though, because he is sooo endearing with the kiddos, incredibly amazing. I don't know what I would do without him!

Todd with the girls visiting me in Nursery. So cute!

My Man with a bubble wand -> Hot! (:

Bye for now! I Love you!
and remember to eat your veggies!
Bonus pic, because it makes me laugh: Todd the pirate and his little las Kay