Happy Thanksgiving - From The Hasers!
This time of year is truly wonderful.
It is such an opportunity to get together with friends and family and reflect on the many blessings that we each have in our lives. Sometimes life can seem a bit daunting and the silver lining hard to see, but we have SOOO much to be thankful for! Many times our blessings are things we take for granted - roof over our heads, clean water to drink, food in our bellies... It is so easy to forget how privileged we are to live where and when we do. I am so grateful for all of my many blessings, and the blessing it is to have such wonderful friends and family to share them with. (o;
We had the opportunity to have Thanksgiving at my Mom's house this year, which we haven't been able to do for YEARS! It was great to see relatives that we haven't seen in so many years.

Todd, Tam and kids (yes, Honey is a kid)

The gracious hosts (My Mom and Jai)

My Dad and Logan (it was great that my Dad was able to make it, and I guess that my parents are still good friends).

Auntie Betty with Mom and Sasha (the doggy)

Mom with cousin Howard and Uncle Henry

Dad with Logan, Krystin and Todd's sister Ali
mmmm, mmmm Turkey dinner
My cousin Karen and her son Gary
(I hadn't seen her in about 20 years or something crazy)

Cousin Nikki with her guy (and her cute prego tummy)
Kayla-Love and Mommy

Krysto-buggy and Honey
Todd ... Working (o; He is so diligent

Doesn't my Mom look so cute in her green chair?!

No trip to Mom's house would be complete with out a pic of the goats. This was Todd's first time meeting the goats.

We weren't able to see Todd's Dad during the day, but we did have the opportunity to see him for a minute on the way home.
Isabella (Todd's Dad's wife), Dave - Todd's dad, and the kiddos
And we would like to introduce.... Drum roll please....
our newest member to our family...

We weren't looking for a new addition, but this little one came to us through divine intervention. Ok, is that a bit much? Well, we were just at the pet store buying some food for our other birds. A lady was behind us, noticed the type of food, and mentioned she had the same type of bird. They are rare, so it is unusual. She said she was looking for a good home for hers, as she was not going to be able to continue caring for her. Next thing I knew, we had this precious little bird as a part of our family. Baby isn't really a baby, she is 5 years old, but shhhh we won't tell her that. She seems to be adjusting very well. Although, I do believe we have already gotten her spoiled. She loves to be on my shoulder and throws a fit when she isn't! LOL! She is pretty cute. We will be introducing her to the other birds slowly over the next month, pictures to come.