Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The VERY LAST 1st Day of School Post....

Well, the last first day of grade school that is!

My youngest baby started the first day of her Senior year of High School...

How can this cute, little, sweet baby-love-buggy be in her last year of high school???
She always had a talent for multi-tasking and fun!

I am trying NOT to think about the fact that these little cuties are growing up before I might be fully ready for them to.  Can you be fully ready for them grow up?

Where is the entertainment going to be?  Todd??? 

and the cuddles... 

Ha ha!

Yes and the cuteness

Ready or not, time keeps moving....
I hope to cherish this last year with Krystin, my baby, 
before she too journeys on to adulthood.
(And secretly hope that she chooses to attend college in Hong Kong.)

Krystin's First Day as a Senior!

To celebrate this exciting time, I made her a cake while she was at school.
An American cake, with cream cheese frosting even.  
She was excited! :)    

Here is to a great LAST Haser kid year in Grade school...

Even though, I think I am still in denial or shock or somewhere in between perhaps....  
They can't be THAT OLD, can they?
Are there 5 stages of empty nest syndrome? Oh my!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck sweet Buggles. Enjoy this last opportunity to be a kid in school. Go with all the Bub's support and love.
