Friday, February 24, 2012

Hong Kong - Family Style (1)

Hong Kong

Yes, Todd and I are hooked.
Seriously, LOVE that place!!!

One of our New Year's Resolutions 
was to take the kids to Hong Kong, this year.
(You know, before we blink and they all leave)
We wanted them to share in the enchantment...

There really was a limited window when we could take them.

Kayla is in College (locally)
Krystin & Logan are in Honors classes and in Track
Spring Break is different for Kayla and her sibs, so that was out...

Summer is too hot in HK, 
at least for the experience we envisioned...

So, the only dates that we could work out
 (with Todd's crazy work schedule as well),
were for President's day Weekend.
All three kids had a 4 day weekend, so they would 
only have to miss 2 days at most.


We planned our flights to maximize time on the ground in Hong Kong 
(and minimize missing of school/work).
The flight to HK takes 16 hours (with no stops) 
and HK is 16 hours in the future.
So, We booked Midnight flights both ways.
Meaning we would leave LAX at midnight (Thurs) 
(you know leave weds night as it becomes thurs)
and ARRIVE in HK at 740am on Friday.

No down time.

A full day from the moment we get there.
Exhausted or not!

I probably took too many pictures.
I am SURE that is just shocking...
But I will split the trip up into days to minimize overload...

Day 1

Shuttle Bus at LAX

Finally, kids get to cross security with Daddy (and Mommy)
and Get to leave on a Plane too!
It was nice we had seats together.  
Kids were sitting in front of us.
16 hours, even at midnight doesn't guarantee sleep.
We were too excited I think to sleep.

When we landed in HK we couldn't check into the hotel room quite yet, because it was so early, so we decided to take a bus into town and show the kids around and get breakfast.

First double decker bus ride!

Not far from the Hotel is a mall in Tung Chung
Ok.  Yes, we got them McDonalds
and Yes, it tastes like McDonalds (mostly)
You know, ease them into the experience!

See, it looks familiar to home
even if there main hot food items are fish balls and ramen!

Ok, well. That is different.
Todd explaining how fresh the food is, and you know what you are getting

After exploring for a couple hours we headed back to the hotel.
Excited to shower and change (ok, that was probably me!)

Kids' Hotel Room
It was awesome they had a room with a Queen and a Single!
Our room was a couple of doors down.

The Hotel is actually attached to the Airport. 
We intentionally chose that Hotel for convenience,
free wifi in the Airport,
and the Airport is more like a mall with fun food places.

Lunch we had Dim Sum & Noodles.
 I love that my kids all can use chop stix like pros!
It is awesome!
Everyone enjoyed themselves, so good!

Showered, changed and full tummies time to go!

We introduced the children to the Metro! 
I love how fast and efficient the transit is out there!

 Jet lag setting in...

Our goal - Victoria Peak
Todd and I hadn't been there previously, but we heard it was a MUST!

There is a special Tram that goes up the hill at a 90 degree angle right to the top.
That was our plan, take the tram up.
See the view.
Tram down.
But, there is still a slight communication barrier we discovered.

We asked for the bus to the Peak (meaning to the Peak Tram)

But, instead we got the TERRIFYING bus to the PEAK.
Windy. cliff laden roads, as the bus driver pretends he is participating in the Indy 500.
MY GOSH was it scary....
Bus 15 goes all the way up.
Bus 15c goes to the tram, aha, now we know.

It was too much for these two.
(or it was jet lag)
 Notice their identical sleep positions.

After about 45 mins of winds, curves, and flying we made it!
YES, the views were spectacular.  
It almost felt like we were eagles soaring far above the sky scrapers.

Todd was deadset on NOT working, at all on this trip.
He works a LOT, like always.
He didn't even bring his computer...
But, there was just this ONE business call he had to take, LOL!
I had to tease him!  
He is still cute on the phone.

I originally was thinking the tram up would be a little scary.
Oh no, after the bus ride, taking it down was AMAZING!

Once we were back at sea level we looked across the bay at Kowloon
the View from Hong Kong Proper 

 I really love the city at night.
It is truly magical.

By this time kids were hungry, 
and we couldn't argue when they wanted to try
the Chinese version of Subway.

Seriously, BEAUTIFUL!

It took about an hour to get back to the Hotel/Airport
when we got back we were ready for a treat
The real reason I wanted to go back!
They have the BEST Desserts I have ever Had!
Mango treats YUMMY

 We ended up getting back to the Hotel about 11pm, 
completely exhausted but happy!

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