Cross Country Meet NUMBER 2
This meet was a NIGHT meet, crazy!
Last week we had to have Krystin to the meet by 6:45am,
this week - Logan ran at 6:35pm!
Varsity didn't run until almost 10pm..
I have NEVER seen so many schools in one place.
There were even runners from our
old Alma Mater - Agoura High School!
Krystin's did great and shaved almost a minute off her time!

We are so Proud of her!
Logan also had a new BEST - 16mins 59seconds
(for 3 miles that is INSANELY fast!)
and he won ANOTHER Medal!

Logan right after race.
He is such a sweet kid,
he asked if we could include a kid
from the another team in the pic,
because he ran neck in neck with him at the end.
Logan we are SO Proud of YOU!
This meet was a NIGHT meet, crazy!
Last week we had to have Krystin to the meet by 6:45am,
this week - Logan ran at 6:35pm!
Varsity didn't run until almost 10pm..
I have NEVER seen so many schools in one place.
There were even runners from our
old Alma Mater - Agoura High School!
Krystin's did great and shaved almost a minute off her time!

We are so Proud of her!
Logan also had a new BEST - 16mins 59seconds
(for 3 miles that is INSANELY fast!)
and he won ANOTHER Medal!

Logan right after race.
He is such a sweet kid,
he asked if we could include a kid
from the another team in the pic,
because he ran neck in neck with him at the end.
Logan we are SO Proud of YOU!
Feel the love
Kayla is officially working hard in Ninja training
She is the one in the Pink! Go Kayla! (:
Bonus: Ok, seriously is this legal?
This is an OUT DOOR NO WALL URINAL for the boys!
The (male) runners were just running up to it and using it all night, not worried at all that girls were standing feet from them and walking by... Logan demonstrated how to use it. I just couldn't imagine...

Oh and Krystin reading during a muscle tune up...

really look past the hair...
Your kids are awesome! 16 mintes is amazing!
And that urinal creeps me out.
The urinal is insane! I can't believe it! It is still cracking me up and I have looked at this post several times.
I love all your posts and keeping up with your family! I cannot believe how tall Kristin is! Holy Cow! She is all grown up! All of your kids are good looking. Happy B-day to Kayla!
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