Back to School - 2010
I have been SO excited about this school year,
Since I had Krystin, really!
The 2010-2011 School Year
The One Year that my kids
will be in High School together.
What an awesome opportunity!
I thought there should at least be an adequate celebration.
First we prepared by getting school supplies together.
Since I had Krystin, really!
The 2010-2011 School Year
The One Year that my kids
will be in High School together.
What an awesome opportunity!
I thought there should at least be an adequate celebration.
First we prepared by getting school supplies together.

I am SURE they will come home with lists of the many items I didn't get, but for now they have some basics!
Then, last night
We surprised the kids
and took them to the
Red Robin for dinner!

During dinner we discussed this upcoming school year, and goals we might have.
Todd shared a cute story about ducks.
And, we decided on a Family theme for this school year!
I asked everyone to think of one, something positive and perhaps motivational and explained that we would vote on it over dinner.
Krystin had a great idea "Make it Happen"
It was awesome, and we almost picked it...
But, then Kayla suggested our family theme this year should be:
"Be the Miracle"
What a GREAT theme for this year!
We discussed it and decided that was the one,
while we can defnitely incorporate Krystin's
"Make it Happen" into that theme!
After a wonderful dinner,
we got shakes (a must there).

Then we headed home
The 1st Day of School Fashion Show
First, we had Miss Kayla (12th)
Looking darling as ever!

Then, we had Logan (10th)...
Who, apparently, at 15 and being a boy
Had a different idea of the show!

Yah, I don't know (and NO those aren't his shorts)
Then, after we stopped laughing...
We had Miss Krystin (9th)
Who came out with a PUNCH!

Todd gave each of the kids a sweet Daddy's blessing for school,
and they were all in bed asleep by 9pm!
This morning was a bit of a hussle/bussle
up by 5am
Get everyone ready, hair done, lunches made,
and of course a special 1st day of school breakfast.
This year: Pumpkin pancakes and turkey bacon

630am - off to school

School doesn't start until 8am,
but only the freshman received their schedules ahead of time
Everyone else has to get them before school...

Yes! All classes they wanted!
(Krystin had hers already, but was sharing in the joy)
One more thing before Mommy can kiss her lovies good bye
Krystin and Logan's locker didn't open previously and they were told it would hopefully be fixed by the end of this week. Well, with all the Cross Country gear (and soon to be books) sooner is better than later... So, I went with them to make sure it opened!
and thankfully - It did!

Here's to a Great School Year!
I love you Kayla, Logan & Krystin!
You guys are truly the BEST kids EVER!
Thank you for being mine! (:
up by 5am
Get everyone ready, hair done, lunches made,
and of course a special 1st day of school breakfast.
This year: Pumpkin pancakes and turkey bacon

630am - off to school

School doesn't start until 8am,
but only the freshman received their schedules ahead of time
Everyone else has to get them before school...

Yes! All classes they wanted!
(Krystin had hers already, but was sharing in the joy)
One more thing before Mommy can kiss her lovies good bye
Krystin and Logan's locker didn't open previously and they were told it would hopefully be fixed by the end of this week. Well, with all the Cross Country gear (and soon to be books) sooner is better than later... So, I went with them to make sure it opened!
and thankfully - It did!

Here's to a Great School Year!
I love you Kayla, Logan & Krystin!
You guys are truly the BEST kids EVER!
Thank you for being mine! (:
Bonus: My Lily has claimed my Dad, funny!

Hard to believe all your kids are in HS together. Should be great! Love your family theme---great idea!
Haha, wow.
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