Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Enjoying the Now...
I have this, slight, tendency to focus on 'What's NEXT', causing me to not fully appreciate what is NOW... Lately, as school has started back up, and my children have seminary at 6:30am, and I am a little more stressed and busy - I have been even more focused on what's next...
You know what I mean - that next thing on my list of 'To do's'... As I am dropping the kids at school, I am thinking, "Ok, I need to get the laundry done, go to Costco, get gas, grocery store, do this that and the other thing."... I think it is pretty normal to do that, but the problem with constantly focusing on the NEXT item on my list is - I have a hard time 'being present' for the current item and I can lose the value of that moment... And really my sweet kids are MORE than an item on my list of 'To do's".
I do realize, even though I dislike getting up super early, these mornings and times with my children are precious gifts. I know they are also fleeting, before I know it they will ALL be grown, and I will miss being able to make their lunches, do their hair, and even being able to drop off that homework assignment that was left at home, really I will. I love being able to pick my children up at the end of the day (even though often times that requires 2 hours of waiting), because of the privilege it is that they eagerly share their day with me. I love being able to provide them with love and security. I love being able to be an active part of their lives...
It is so easy to forget and take for granted what a gift the "Present" is... (Punny, I know!) (: So, my post today is a mere reminder to focus a little more intently on what is most important in life, those precious memories that you will always have, and not that darn MOUNTAIN of laundry that seems to never truly go AWAY!
You know what I mean - that next thing on my list of 'To do's'... As I am dropping the kids at school, I am thinking, "Ok, I need to get the laundry done, go to Costco, get gas, grocery store, do this that and the other thing."... I think it is pretty normal to do that, but the problem with constantly focusing on the NEXT item on my list is - I have a hard time 'being present' for the current item and I can lose the value of that moment... And really my sweet kids are MORE than an item on my list of 'To do's".
I do realize, even though I dislike getting up super early, these mornings and times with my children are precious gifts. I know they are also fleeting, before I know it they will ALL be grown, and I will miss being able to make their lunches, do their hair, and even being able to drop off that homework assignment that was left at home, really I will. I love being able to pick my children up at the end of the day (even though often times that requires 2 hours of waiting), because of the privilege it is that they eagerly share their day with me. I love being able to provide them with love and security. I love being able to be an active part of their lives...
It is so easy to forget and take for granted what a gift the "Present" is... (Punny, I know!) (: So, my post today is a mere reminder to focus a little more intently on what is most important in life, those precious memories that you will always have, and not that darn MOUNTAIN of laundry that seems to never truly go AWAY!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Light-Speed - AWAY!
Cross Country Meet NUMBER 2
This meet was a NIGHT meet, crazy!
Last week we had to have Krystin to the meet by 6:45am,
this week - Logan ran at 6:35pm!
Varsity didn't run until almost 10pm..
I have NEVER seen so many schools in one place.
There were even runners from our
old Alma Mater - Agoura High School!
Krystin's did great and shaved almost a minute off her time!

We are so Proud of her!
Logan also had a new BEST - 16mins 59seconds
(for 3 miles that is INSANELY fast!)
and he won ANOTHER Medal!

Logan right after race.
He is such a sweet kid,
he asked if we could include a kid
from the another team in the pic,
because he ran neck in neck with him at the end.
Logan we are SO Proud of YOU!
This meet was a NIGHT meet, crazy!
Last week we had to have Krystin to the meet by 6:45am,
this week - Logan ran at 6:35pm!
Varsity didn't run until almost 10pm..
I have NEVER seen so many schools in one place.
There were even runners from our
old Alma Mater - Agoura High School!
Krystin's did great and shaved almost a minute off her time!

We are so Proud of her!
Logan also had a new BEST - 16mins 59seconds
(for 3 miles that is INSANELY fast!)
and he won ANOTHER Medal!

Logan right after race.
He is such a sweet kid,
he asked if we could include a kid
from the another team in the pic,
because he ran neck in neck with him at the end.
Logan we are SO Proud of YOU!
Feel the love
Kayla is officially working hard in Ninja training
She is the one in the Pink! Go Kayla! (:
Bonus: Ok, seriously is this legal?
This is an OUT DOOR NO WALL URINAL for the boys!
The (male) runners were just running up to it and using it all night, not worried at all that girls were standing feet from them and walking by... Logan demonstrated how to use it. I just couldn't imagine...

Oh and Krystin reading during a muscle tune up...

really look past the hair...
cross country,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Kayla's 17th Birthday!
Today My First Born turned 17!
Kayla, I can't believe it has been 17 years since you entered our lives!
I can't even imagine life without you!
You have an amazing soul...
You bring so much my light, life, & creativity to our home.
I am thankful for your rational perspectives,
your funny sense of humor, and your loving heart.
Our family is blessed to have you in it!
Being that Kayla is our Princess
a tiara was only fitting!

at 5:30am she opened presents!

(Honey wondered where hers were)
Then Todd multi-tasked

(belly rubs for Honey & Lily at the same time)
Kay's funny

(A Cheshire tail from Disney - Surprise)
Kayla off to school with sibs

She didn't know,
but a surprise was waiting for her there.

(Thanks Logan & Krystin for surprising her!)
For Dinner, she requested to go to Chevy's
- That was our family tradition for birthdays in Arizona,
but there weren't any nearby out here...
So we thought, but we found one 25 mins away!

Kayla was happy!

and so were we!

It was AWESOME and had been SO Long!
Oh and when we got home,

(cake looked a little like a fire hazard)
Bonus:I can't even imagine life without you!
You have an amazing soul...
You bring so much my light, life, & creativity to our home.
I am thankful for your rational perspectives,
your funny sense of humor, and your loving heart.
Our family is blessed to have you in it!
Being that Kayla is our Princess
a tiara was only fitting!

at 5:30am she opened presents!

(Honey wondered where hers were)
Then Todd multi-tasked

(belly rubs for Honey & Lily at the same time)
Kay's funny

(A Cheshire tail from Disney - Surprise)
Kayla off to school with sibs

She didn't know,
but a surprise was waiting for her there.

(Thanks Logan & Krystin for surprising her!)
For Dinner, she requested to go to Chevy's
- That was our family tradition for birthdays in Arizona,
but there weren't any nearby out here...
So we thought, but we found one 25 mins away!

Kayla was happy!

and so were we!

It was AWESOME and had been SO Long!
Oh and when we got home,

(cake looked a little like a fire hazard)
If Lily sees us getting ready to leave.
This is where you can find her, and she will NOT budge.

and... Indy & Xia have a new playpen.
After getting over their EXTREME fear of it, they seem to like it!

Monday, September 13, 2010
First MEET of the Season!
The very first Cross Country meet was last Saturday!
Krystin's first meet EVER!
It was very exciting!
On top of the meet, Kayla's bday is tomorrow, so...
Relatives were able to come to the meet and support
Krystin and Logan & Say Happy B-day to Kay!
Before the meet

My Mom was to our house by 6:15am...
Our runners needed to be at the meet by 6:45am..
Oh, and Kayla went to a dance with her friends at the school the night before,
Krystin's first meet EVER!
It was very exciting!
On top of the meet, Kayla's bday is tomorrow, so...
Relatives were able to come to the meet and support
Krystin and Logan & Say Happy B-day to Kay!
Before the meet

My Mom was to our house by 6:15am...
Our runners needed to be at the meet by 6:45am..
Oh, and Kayla went to a dance with her friends at the school the night before,
and... Todd's good friend Steve (who shares Kayla's bday) ->
Steve & Todd

-> had the opportunity of staying up 'til midnight with us, and getting up by 5am!
Welcome to the Haser House!
Logan is a Great brother, not only
did he tape Krystin's legs for her before the race
During the time she ran her 5K race...
He ran to different areas of the course and cheered for her!

Krystin's race was before Logan's.
Her very first race ever!
and She did AWESOME!

right after she finished!
Logan's Goal - Win a Medal!

which he did with a 17:39 time!
Logan you Rock!
It was SO wonderful to have so many people their to support them!

and she is cute!
Honey thinks it is AWESOME!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
1st Day of School - 2010
Back to School - 2010
I have been SO excited about this school year,
Since I had Krystin, really!
The 2010-2011 School Year
The One Year that my kids
will be in High School together.
What an awesome opportunity!
I thought there should at least be an adequate celebration.
First we prepared by getting school supplies together.
Since I had Krystin, really!
The 2010-2011 School Year
The One Year that my kids
will be in High School together.
What an awesome opportunity!
I thought there should at least be an adequate celebration.
First we prepared by getting school supplies together.

I am SURE they will come home with lists of the many items I didn't get, but for now they have some basics!
Then, last night
We surprised the kids
and took them to the
Red Robin for dinner!

During dinner we discussed this upcoming school year, and goals we might have.
Todd shared a cute story about ducks.
And, we decided on a Family theme for this school year!
I asked everyone to think of one, something positive and perhaps motivational and explained that we would vote on it over dinner.
Krystin had a great idea "Make it Happen"
It was awesome, and we almost picked it...
But, then Kayla suggested our family theme this year should be:
"Be the Miracle"
What a GREAT theme for this year!
We discussed it and decided that was the one,
while we can defnitely incorporate Krystin's
"Make it Happen" into that theme!
After a wonderful dinner,
we got shakes (a must there).

Then we headed home
The 1st Day of School Fashion Show
First, we had Miss Kayla (12th)
Looking darling as ever!

Then, we had Logan (10th)...
Who, apparently, at 15 and being a boy
Had a different idea of the show!

Yah, I don't know (and NO those aren't his shorts)
Then, after we stopped laughing...
We had Miss Krystin (9th)
Who came out with a PUNCH!

Todd gave each of the kids a sweet Daddy's blessing for school,
and they were all in bed asleep by 9pm!
This morning was a bit of a hussle/bussle
up by 5am
Get everyone ready, hair done, lunches made,
and of course a special 1st day of school breakfast.
This year: Pumpkin pancakes and turkey bacon

630am - off to school

School doesn't start until 8am,
but only the freshman received their schedules ahead of time
Everyone else has to get them before school...

Yes! All classes they wanted!
(Krystin had hers already, but was sharing in the joy)
One more thing before Mommy can kiss her lovies good bye
Krystin and Logan's locker didn't open previously and they were told it would hopefully be fixed by the end of this week. Well, with all the Cross Country gear (and soon to be books) sooner is better than later... So, I went with them to make sure it opened!
and thankfully - It did!

Here's to a Great School Year!
I love you Kayla, Logan & Krystin!
You guys are truly the BEST kids EVER!
Thank you for being mine! (:
up by 5am
Get everyone ready, hair done, lunches made,
and of course a special 1st day of school breakfast.
This year: Pumpkin pancakes and turkey bacon

630am - off to school

School doesn't start until 8am,
but only the freshman received their schedules ahead of time
Everyone else has to get them before school...

Yes! All classes they wanted!
(Krystin had hers already, but was sharing in the joy)
One more thing before Mommy can kiss her lovies good bye
Krystin and Logan's locker didn't open previously and they were told it would hopefully be fixed by the end of this week. Well, with all the Cross Country gear (and soon to be books) sooner is better than later... So, I went with them to make sure it opened!
and thankfully - It did!

Here's to a Great School Year!
I love you Kayla, Logan & Krystin!
You guys are truly the BEST kids EVER!
Thank you for being mine! (:
Bonus: My Lily has claimed my Dad, funny!

1st Day of School,
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