Krystin is on her way to High School.
I can't believe it!
My BABY!!!!
She is looking way too grown up, pout!

8th Grade Dance fun!
I can't believe it!
My BABY!!!!
She is looking way too grown up, pout!

8th Grade Dance fun!

Yes, she is adorable, just like her big sister!
She got home from the dance after 10pm last night,
and then today the 8th graders spent all day at
Wild Rivers Water Park....
Yes, she is going to sleep good tonight!

Holy CoW! Your baby is in high school! That went by so fast! She is so beautiful (just like her sis and her mom!) Maybe it's time for a a few more babies! :)
Hey! A few more babies? Todd would NEVER go for it! It is sad though - 4 more years and they will ALL be out of high school. Where does the time go???
She is just gorgeous! And she has a beautiful smile that lights up from her soul on out. I can't believe she is that old now! Time just flies!
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