Monday, May 3, 2010

20 years & speedy feet

Logan Loves to run and he is getting pretty good at it! Tomorrow he will be running in the pre-lims for Track. Only 4 boys for each event are chosen to participate. We are pretty excited for him! Go Logan - WE LOVE YOU!

Logan & his lightening fast friend Josh

Todd's 20 YEAR Class Reunion
was this past weekend.
One of the perks of being together since the beginning of time is
that while it is his 20 year reunion
- not mine-
we went to the same high school. So that is fun.
and... Next year he gets to accompany me to mine. :p
Crazy! Where does the time go???

Todd & Josh

It was great to see Josh!

This was the second 20 year reunion I have attended. I had the pleasure of attending my parents' 20 year reunion when I was 16. (Yes, my Mom and Dad were high school sweethearts too, but graduated the same year.) It was awesome. I wish I had a picture!
So much fun.

Bonus: Honey and Lily got a new tent.

1 comment:

Sims Family said...

Some of those people looked familiar! (names elude me!) Can't wait till next year. :) Congrats to your son! What a runner!
