I started this post before Mother's day, but it made me a little sad, so it took me a few days to finish. In our family, we have had some amazing women, but their longevity has not been great. This is a topic that I give great reverence.
What an honor and privilege it is to be a Mother.
I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to
love and care for my precious, little souls.
So, today on Mother's Day I would like
to remember and Thank
the Mothers in my life that mean a lot to me.
First, My Mother
Here she is pregnant with me.

I know -she is adorable.
She brought me in to this world and taught me the importance of caring for others (especially those less fortunate), for being selfless and always striving to be a good person. I am grateful for the many conversations that we had over the years.
I remember getting frustrated in kindergarten with an annoying boy. I wanted to 'annoy' him back. My Mom's advice was to not lower myself to his level. That if I were to behave as he did, then I would be just as bad as him, and clearly I am a better person than that. It is advice that I still carry with me.
She is the kind of person that no matter what is going on in her life,
which often times is busy and a bit chaotic too, will drop everything if you need her.
She is a good person, and loving Mom.
For her caring nature and her selfless role modeling I truly thank her.
She created a Birthday legacy in our family.
She taught me that Birthdays are Magical...

Every year, on my birthday,
I would wake to the house decorated.
It always made me feel loved and special,
and now because of her example
my children do too.
She always gave me love.

A kiss for Mommy
With the my sweet Grama in the background smiling.
Thank you Mom for being mine!
I love you!My Grandma
She passed away when I was 16 years old.
Far too soon, and I still miss her terribly.

From the moment I was born my Grama was there.
I spent countless weekends/weeks at my Grandparents house.
I loved nothing more.
Grama spent hours cooking with me,
gardening, watching movies, walking,
feeding ducks, or just talking.
I cherished every minute I had with her.

I am so grateful that Todd and I started dating young, because he too was able to meet my Grama and love her, and she was able to know him. On some strange level that gives me peace that she is part of something in my life that grew and blossomed into my own Motherhood.
Finally, My Mother-in-Law

Todd & his Mommy (pregnant with his sister Renee')
Anna loved her children and grandchildren very dearly.
Even though she struggled with health issues,
her love for them always kept her going and was evident.
When I had our first child, Kayla,
I was in the hospital for 4 days.
She stayed in my room, slept in a chair, the entire time,
and was so overjoyed at Kayla's arrival.
Our children loved the time they had with her,
and still remember her often with warm memories.
Her time with us was too short, but her love lives on in our hearts.
Thank you, Anna, for Todd - I sure do love him!
Motherhood is an amazing gift, one that I am thankful for every day...
I am also thankful that my children are able to spend time
and create happy memories with my Mom too,
and she is the only Grandma (or Great-Grandma) left
So... It is all on her! Love you Mom!

My Mom with kids and Uncle bill -2004
Happy Mother's Day!