It has now been 5 weeks since a little wet spot was noted on Logan's carpet in his room. At first we thought, maybe after a weekend in AZ the dog(s) were confused and had an accident... Then, after a little investigation - doesn't look yellow, doesn't 'smell' yellow, and ... "Well, come on they are only 5 pound dogs how MUCH pee can they possibly make in one go really?" It was concluded there was a leak (and not of the four legged kind, darn it)...
How hard could it be to fix a leak? Really???
Well, 5 weeks out, let me tell you - REALLY Hard!
The first plumber was well, for lack of a better word - INEPT. Now they are going to have to re-pipe the ENTIRE house. You just can't even imagine.
So, as of last Thursday night we had no hot water. (snicker, laugh)... I thought NO HOT WATER was insane. I was wrong. No water at all, that's much worse. We have had NO water since Friday.
Seemed like a sign that we should go to AZ visit my Dad and help out with Easter Pageant auditions. Because, you know, they said we would AT LEAST have water to the downstairs bathroom by Saturday afternoon, and while still inconvenient the luxury of flushing a toilet and showering sounded exciting.
We came home Saturday night.
Landlord sent us to hotel (as is required by law when there is no water).
Doesn't sound too bad, right?
Well, when you have 7 pets, and pets are not allowed at the hotel...
That means someone has to sleep at home (come on, look at that face - what choice is there)

So. Todd slept at home with little Lily (and menagerie on Saturday night), while I hoped against all odds. Just get water to downstairs bathroom. Come on, just ONE bathroom, one sink. PLEASE...
Nope... Sunday night I slept at home. It is only fair, and they did manage to get water to laundry machine! So, while I couldn't wash my hands, I could wash some clothes.
Did I mention I HATE to sleep alone in my house?
Two nights without a hubby next to me while I slept too, I might add.
So, as I am sitting here waiting for the plumbers to come back and commence with the drilling, dust and chaos, I am trying to regain perspective.
Here are some things that currently are making me crazy:When we came home last night EVERY thing was moved from the above room...

... and this is the wall where the Entertainment center use to be. You can actually see right through the wall into the bathroom into Logan's 'old' room...

interesting tile repair
I decided NOT to post anymore pictures of all the torn up walls (you can't even imagine Logan's room), because I AM trying to stay positive.
Things that make me smile:

at hotel
Dad you are included too, sorry didn't take a pic when we visited.
Sunday, we had to flee. Too much noise and dust (and no water), so we went to see My Mom. (What's a 180 mile round trip after an 800 mile round trip to AZ the day before, right?)
Mom's House

Mom's funny goats.
(Check out kids playing with goats above)
and my pups:
That's right. What's important. Sweet family, cute pets. Who needs water?
Me, just a little though.
Bonus pic (for Mom):

Mom's 'fountain' creation