Bubby (AKA Tamara's Dad) came to Hong Kong!
The Bub, as the kids call him, had never been to Asia, and as such was excited at the opportunity to see and explore Hong Kong. He was able to stay with us for three weeks! Enough time to get over the jetlag and fully switch to Hong Kong time, before returning home!
We arranged for his arrival to line up with Logan and Krystin's return from France. The kids landed in the morning, and Bub arrived in the evening. They are so incredibly busy with school and other activities this was the best chance to spend some time with them, as they had a week off upon their return!
Highlights from the Bubby Adventures in HK:
In NO particular order, as they got all mixed up...
Kids at the airport, waiting to welcome the Bub!
Not sure why Todd is waiting for Nixon? HA HA....
The moving sidewalk in central
Drinks with Kay
Ngong Ping
Tai O Fishing Village
Western Market
Tour from Ngong Ping to Tai O
Marcouche - Our favorite Lebanese Restaurant downtown
Dinner in Wan Chai (Tex-Mex)
Shuttle bus ride from the flat, many adventures on this!
All these adventures, well and a slight misstep while walking the doggies,
necessitated some authentic Chinese pain remedy! Success!
Chillin' by our flat
Kowloon Bay - View of HK Proper
sorry Todd, this pic makes me laugh, every time!
Todd is waving to the Buddha (I think!)
View of Victoria Peak
Cable Car view from above (I did say pics are out of order)
Victoria Peak. Love this shot!
Sunset with cows at Ngong Ping. Beautiful
another victoria peak
Downtown adventures
(Dad get out of the street!! Bus will get you.)
Waiting for the double decker street car.
Enjoying a Mango Matterhorn (as we call them) at local mall.
Wax Dude at Victoria Peak Tram
Tai O
Bully Loved the Cable cars
Coolest sign.
Distance to areas around the world from that spot.
Yes. I had to.
Bubby's friend Bully touring

Map of Lamma Island (No not llama)

Bully flirting.
Yes. I had to again!
Market at Tai O
Dinner at the Peak.
(Blue-Berry lemonade - YUMMY)
Cutest - Bub and my Pocket Llama
Mastering the Metro
Really though, how cute!
Busting up together...
Much cheaper and more convenient than a stroller.
In NO particular order, as they got all mixed up...
Kids at the airport, waiting to welcome the Bub!
Not sure why Todd is waiting for Nixon? HA HA....
The moving sidewalk in central
Drinks with Kay
Ngong Ping
Tai O Fishing Village
Western Market
Tour from Ngong Ping to Tai O
Marcouche - Our favorite Lebanese Restaurant downtown
Dinner in Wan Chai (Tex-Mex)
Shuttle bus ride from the flat, many adventures on this!
All these adventures, well and a slight misstep while walking the doggies,
necessitated some authentic Chinese pain remedy! Success!
Chillin' by our flat
Kowloon Bay - View of HK Proper
sorry Todd, this pic makes me laugh, every time!
Todd is waving to the Buddha (I think!)
Downtown at night
View of Victoria Peak
Cable Car view from above (I did say pics are out of order)
Victoria Peak. Love this shot!
Sunset with cows at Ngong Ping. Beautiful
another victoria peak
Downtown adventures
(Dad get out of the street!! Bus will get you.)
Waiting for the double decker street car.
Enjoying a Mango Matterhorn (as we call them) at local mall.
Wax Dude at Victoria Peak Tram
Tai O
Ngong Ping, so cute.
Bully Loved the Cable cars
Coolest sign.
Distance to areas around the world from that spot.
Yes. I had to.
Bubby's friend Bully touring

Todd trying to get me a new pup!
Map of Lamma Island (No not llama)

Bully flirting.
Big bus!
Yes. I had to again!
Market at Tai O
Bub's expression at the thought of having to use a Trolley to shop. hee hee
Doesn't get much fresher than this.
Dinner at the Peak.
(Blue-Berry lemonade - YUMMY)
Love this.
Cutest - Bub and my Pocket Llama
Mastering the Metro
Our favorite burger joint.
Really though, how cute!
It is Christmas time in HK
Busting up together...
Much cheaper and more convenient than a stroller.
1 comment:
Tamara and Todd... how can I thank you for the best time that I ever had? Well just know that I'm eternally grateful for the experience and memories. I love you guys & kiddoes the most. and... Tam thanks for this SUPER blog. Love, Bubdad :D
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