In the end,
Life is merely a culmination of the memories that you have.
Life is merely a culmination of the memories that you have.
For better or worse sometimes, true enough.
But, to miss the opportunity to 'create'
an incredible memory to me
would be rather sad.
With every moment
a Cherished memory is just waiting
to be created and experienced -
so - Why Sleep?!
Ever since I was very little, I have loved being outside.
I just feel at peace surrounded by nature!
My favorite time of day is as the Sun sets,
it has been since I can remember.
It is Magical.
What else is magical to me?
The night sky.
The vastness of it.
Looking deep into the night sky,
is a kin to looking into the eternities.
It is infinite, like life.
Beautiful, like life...
Has rules and boundaries, like life
and can be unpredictable. like life...
Anyhow, I diverge, which is just me...
Some of my fondest memories are of laying on a blanket,
up in the mountains, and staring into the night sky...
I could stare for hours!
I had been expressing to Todd my great desire to take the kids to the mountains to see a meteor shower. He told me he would keep his eyes open for a good one. Well, this week he informed me there was supposed to be an excellent meteor shower on Thursday night. Of course with the peak viewing time between 3-4am. Todd is kind of on 'crunch' time (between two projects), but being the wonderful man that he is... He agreed to give up sleep and take us to 'create' wonderful memories... He did try to find a 'close' location to view from, but when we went there it just wasn't on a mountain and not right. So, at 11:30pm we drove up to Mount Baldy and parked in the parking lot of the ski slopes at the top. It was an incredibly beautiful night, not too cold. The sky was brilliant with stars, the air crisp and fresh, and the children were in awe. We watched for shooting stars 'til the early hours of the morning and got home around 4:30am. Todd did take a little nap in the car while we were watching. It was really beautiful to experience the joy that our children found in the night sky as well.
I so wanted to take pics of the kids sitting around staring at the sky, but the flash would have just been rude, so I refrained til we headed home in the car.
I am thankful for a wonderful Family!

That are a joy to create memories with! (:
We were all a little tired and cranky yesterday, but it was SOO worth it!
Bonus: Logan's hair cut


But, to miss the opportunity to 'create'
an incredible memory to me
would be rather sad.
With every moment
a Cherished memory is just waiting
to be created and experienced -
so - Why Sleep?!
Ever since I was very little, I have loved being outside.
I just feel at peace surrounded by nature!
My favorite time of day is as the Sun sets,
it has been since I can remember.
It is Magical.
What else is magical to me?
The night sky.
The vastness of it.
Looking deep into the night sky,
is a kin to looking into the eternities.
It is infinite, like life.
Beautiful, like life...
Has rules and boundaries, like life
and can be unpredictable. like life...
Anyhow, I diverge, which is just me...
Some of my fondest memories are of laying on a blanket,
up in the mountains, and staring into the night sky...
I could stare for hours!
I had been expressing to Todd my great desire to take the kids to the mountains to see a meteor shower. He told me he would keep his eyes open for a good one. Well, this week he informed me there was supposed to be an excellent meteor shower on Thursday night. Of course with the peak viewing time between 3-4am. Todd is kind of on 'crunch' time (between two projects), but being the wonderful man that he is... He agreed to give up sleep and take us to 'create' wonderful memories... He did try to find a 'close' location to view from, but when we went there it just wasn't on a mountain and not right. So, at 11:30pm we drove up to Mount Baldy and parked in the parking lot of the ski slopes at the top. It was an incredibly beautiful night, not too cold. The sky was brilliant with stars, the air crisp and fresh, and the children were in awe. We watched for shooting stars 'til the early hours of the morning and got home around 4:30am. Todd did take a little nap in the car while we were watching. It was really beautiful to experience the joy that our children found in the night sky as well.
I so wanted to take pics of the kids sitting around staring at the sky, but the flash would have just been rude, so I refrained til we headed home in the car.
I am thankful for a wonderful Family!

That are a joy to create memories with! (:
We were all a little tired and cranky yesterday, but it was SOO worth it!
Bonus: Logan's hair cut


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