The last week has flown by!
Logan started his Geometry class at one the local Junior Colleges. It is only a 6 week class for an entire year of Geometry, so it is pretty intensive! He earned an "A" on his first test - YAY!
It was also the 4th last week!
We celebrated at home together as a family, while Daddy bbq'd.
What could be better?

Well, Disney's fireworks show!
We are on block out, so we had to sit outside the gates to watch the show.
Logan started his Geometry class at one the local Junior Colleges. It is only a 6 week class for an entire year of Geometry, so it is pretty intensive! He earned an "A" on his first test - YAY!
It was also the 4th last week!
We celebrated at home together as a family, while Daddy bbq'd.
What could be better?

Well, Disney's fireworks show!
We are on block out, so we had to sit outside the gates to watch the show.

Oh, and we had the Costco Red Velvet Cream Cheese cake.
Everyone seemed to like it, not my thing though.
Where's the chocolate?
Then I was able to attend Girls Camp with Krystin!
I wasn't able to stay in the same cabin,
but I was able to do lots of fun stuff with her!
Like Hiking
archery, she's pretty good!
There were also MANY cool crafts!
and swimming...
and swimming...
There were 19 cabins
with about 10 girls each
with about 10 girls each

Krystin's cabin was nice!
Aside from the MANY bugs, lots of dust,
and the fact that it was HOT and humid
(while it was freezing and cloudy at home - so not fair),
the girls had a blast!
The cabins were separated into Baseball teams
(I figured my Dad would approve of that!)
My cabin was the Tigers,
so I brought my girls Tiger print bandanas

Krystin and a couple of her teammates.
She was on the Braves!
She had an AWESOME team and team leaders!
There wasn't much sleep during the entire time we were at camp, but I really enjoyed spending time with Krystin at camp! I still feel a little 'Camp-lagged'...
Oh, and How do I love my own shower, so much!
Even though, I did take 2 showers a day out there, which Krystin told me was just wrong. Her cabin made a pack to not shower at all the entire time - euwww.
Luckily, girls don't sweat or stink! PHEW!
Today was back to the grind again.
Boy do I need to catch up on my laundry and cleaning around here.
Oh, and How do I love my own shower, so much!
Even though, I did take 2 showers a day out there, which Krystin told me was just wrong. Her cabin made a pack to not shower at all the entire time - euwww.
Luckily, girls don't sweat or stink! PHEW!
Today was back to the grind again.
Boy do I need to catch up on my laundry and cleaning around here.
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