This last week was Spring Break.
We were very fortunate to have Todd home for the entire time. I feel rather spoiled... However, Todd is now gone for the next two weeks to DC to start a new adventure in programming. He left yesterday a.m. ... and I miss him already, snoring and all... Pathetic, I know.
Anyhow, on to our family adventures.
The Easter bunny came to our house!

YAY!!! The Easter bunny is always hiding eggs in silly ways over here - there is always a note left under the basket with egg hunting instructions. This year the bunny must have had some time on its hands, because it hid 6 eggs of 6 different colors for each child. Yes, 36 eggs to find each. Best yet, no fighting or crying, because everyone knows there are those 36 eggs waiting to be found just for them.
Anyhow, on to our family adventures.
The Easter bunny came to our house!

YAY!!! The Easter bunny is always hiding eggs in silly ways over here - there is always a note left under the basket with egg hunting instructions. This year the bunny must have had some time on its hands, because it hid 6 eggs of 6 different colors for each child. Yes, 36 eggs to find each. Best yet, no fighting or crying, because everyone knows there are those 36 eggs waiting to be found just for them.
of course we dyed eggs the night before

Yes, they are in the oven and the oven is taped shut. You have to read about them on the link above to get a full appreciation of why. (Thanks to Shawni for sharing the idea.)
I did adapt a little and used mini chocolate chips, yummy.
It was a wonderful Easter!
Monday began our week that my head is still spinning from. Krystin had a school field trip to Yosemite. Only 12 students attended (out of probably over 1000). I don't really like my kids leaving without either me or Todd with them, but there wasn't any way we could go this time, with Todd going to DC and us going to AZ on Thursday. Krystin's Social Studies teacher convinced me that this was not an opportunity that Krystin should miss, so finally I agreed.

Krystin had a blast.

Well, and froze! They slept in tents (that had heaters)
in 15 degree weather and snow.
Poor little Arizona child was a Popsicle.

So, what were we doing while Krystin was having an adventure in Yosemite???
Well, we decided that Kayla and Logan would benefit from a little educational field trip too, so...
First we took them to the San Juan Capistrano Mission.
My camera's battery was charging, so I don't have any pics, but Logan might.
None today though. It is quite beautiful and it was fun for the kids to be able to get a sense of where California came from...
Then, we sat in FAR too much traffic and went to the Griffith Observatory.
We had thought about taking the kids to an amusement park, but decided this would be more beneficial for them. I have never heard my kids so excited about a family fun trip as they were at the observatory. It was an amazing time.

Kayla & Logan with the great minds of the observatory

These two were overcome with the beauty of it...

all day long...

Kay and Logan holding a meteorite
The best You are HERE - EVER!

It is of our solar system.
Then Todd and I got new tires for my car,
oil change and even had another middle of the day date.

and even were able to have lunch with Todd's sister Ali!
Krystin came home from Yosemite at just before midnight on Wednesday, and we headed out to Arizona at 6am Thursday... Yes. Everyone was very TIRED.

even Lily
Our kids don't usually sleep in the car...

Logan didn't actually sleep, but he assisted in the process.

and on my arm.
Honey was just taking it all in...

We stayed at my Dad's house and the girls had a great time catching up with old friends.
The ride home was a little more adventurous than I had hoped for. Kayla threw-up and felt miserable, and then Lily threw up! Yuck! They are all better now...
We always get a book on cd to listen to during our drives, so much fun. This time were able to listen A short history of nearly everything. We actually didn't get to finish the book, but that just gives us an excuse to do something else fun that we need to drive to! I can't wait! Excellent book so far. The kids love it too, but they do tend to be knowledge junkies... (:
Anyhow, Todd is in DC, I am doing endless amounts of laundry, and waiting for our friends (with their 5 of 6 kids) to come to our house and sleep over on their way home to the Bay area. (: Always hopping over here. You want to come visit too?
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