My View (phone pic through a window)
I am sitting here in NY, at NYU on the 9th floor, looking out the window... Todd is teaching CQ5 to the peeps here. There is a strange sort of beauty in the landscape. It surprises me really... Instead of the rolling green hills that surround me in California, I have found that while no hills our mountains can be seen, and even one would have to strain to find a living thing 'cept for the occasional tree... The outline of the far reaching buildings fill the horizon and create a sort of unique beauty against the sky. I am awed by the history, time and life that is surrounding me...
Random pics from the last few days at home...

Kayla and the giver of flowers...
a little dog's life...
more flowers. Yeah!
Does it scare you that your daughter is getting flowers? Ahhh!
Whitney - You have NO IDEA!!!
awwww kayla got flowers!!! its so weird that she's old enough to date... whenever i think about the kids i always remember them as babies or toddlers... not teenagers.. i can only imagine how you feel lol
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