Waiting for our plane to arrive @ LAX...
Plane arrived on time, flight was smooth. Landed close to midnight, and off to our first taxi ride .
To the Hotel...

I am tired. Need sleep. 2am...
Where I was sitting during the day @ NYU (while Todd trained people)
Great view.
It was really cold outside, but with many a sweater and a jacket and scarf - I decided to brave checking out the city from ground level.
I love old buildings, especially the doors.
Yay! A place for doggies to run.
I have taken close to 200 pictures, but I can't (won't) load that many here. I might put them on facebook though.
Wednesday night, Todd and I went out to a fabulous Thai food place and then to the see Wicked! It was pouring rain, we had NO idea where we were going and it was cold, but we made it to the show with about 2 minutes to spare.

On the way out of the show. NO REALITY! NOOOO!!!
Time Square -is amazing!

A 2 story M&M store - sheer brilliance!
Ok. that sorta sums up the first two days...
Ok. that sorta sums up the first two days...
How FUN! What great pictures. Someday...I will have to go!
I love the pictures of Times Square! The colors are awesome!
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